Any suggestions/ideas?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Hi all.

this is a bit of a long stor and hope you dont mind me posting,

Basically i went on holiday on 21st of sept and was on ceverzet pill but i forgot to take it on 21st and was late taking it on 22nd,
iv never had periods whilst being on this pill (was regular before i started taking it)

I had a bit a of spotting a fortnight ago, have very tender breasts and have been feeling rather sick,
I done a test which came back neg and the doc done a test which came back neg but said i should test again in a fortnight as maybe i am.

Im confused!
Doesn't sound like you're pregnant to me. The test would definately be positive if those sypmtoms were pregnancy related x
With Rosie i had my lmp on the 17th Nov, it wasn't untill the 10th March that a test shown up positive.
Maybe test in a week or so, but i didnt go to doc for a test untill i had a positive confirmed he then confirmed, so no sure on that front.
thank you, i didnt actually go to the docs for a test it was for something else but she tested whilst i was there as i told her id missed a pill
I'd say it's most likely breakthrough bleeding from the missed and delayed pills.

All you can do is wait a week and test again :)
Like the others have said, all you can do is wait and test again. I hope you get the answer you want xxx
Just wanted to say good luck hon, I was on that pill and it was a pain at times what with having no AF
Just wanted to say good luck hon, I was on that pill and it was a pain at times what with having no AF

Did it take you along while after you stopped taking it for periods to return? also did it take along while for tou to concieve?

just too add to this thread me and oh decided we would start ttc so i came of it about 3 weeks ago no period yet and got loads of symptons still have searched the internet and it sounds like this is common side affects after coming of cerazette, after reading things on internet it has scared me as there has been so many bad things said!

Has anyone else on here been on cerazette, how long did it take tc?

many thanks :)
I was on it briefly and I had one very long cycle (50 days ish) then I fell pregnant the next cycle :)
i was on cerazette and came off it in september and not had a perid sinc my odctor said it can take a while to get out of your system about 3 months so i am waiting till after xmas to seriously start ttc but will carry on trying x
hello again everyone,

I had been off the pill 30 days on 1st of december i had some slight spotting then again on wednesday but since then nothing?

I thought is was going to be the start of my period but im not sure now?
any ideas?
After you went to the dr, the dr told you to retest in 2 weeks; have you retested yet?

If you test and get another negative I would go back to the dr to see what they say, they might suggest doing a blood test :)
done 2 more tests and there both negative got doc app on monday

Could that of been a very light period due too coming of the pill?
as i never had any whilst on the pill

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