any OU students?? update*


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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well this morning i received my first study materials pack throough the post :cheer: i've applied for 3 courses which are all in relation to a health studies degree so i'm really excited!! means if i don't go back to uni in the next couple of years i have something else to keep me occupied :D

thanks for all your advice- - and suzie, i managed to get it all funded :cheer: thanks :hug:

i need a qualification in human biology and was looking at OU courses. they offer this --->

basically the course if perfect.

i was wondering, are there particular requirements you need (qualification etc) to do OU courses? it isn't a degree. also for the assessments, how do you do them?
also its a level 2 programme, hence why i'm thinking they may not let me do it as i haven't done a level 1.. :(
im not with the OU but the skills trains (same sort of thing) and they said to me you dont need any qualifications for the one i was doing (website design).

If its not a degree is jsut say like basic knowledge really and probably GCSEs or something.

My assesments are done in my own time and i send them off as and when. I dont know about the final assesment though.

good luck :)
Do you have higher human biology Sarah, if not would that be any use? You can usually do it via distance learning.
They usually have level 1 entry requirements before they recommend level 2 modules.

Plus, level 2 modules are very challenging! I certainly wouldn't want to start one without background level 1 knowledge of the subject.

OU is fantastic though.

OH is doing one right now. He only needed so many gcse's and thats it.
from the OU site
SK227 is a Level 2 course. It would be an advantage to have studied biology or human biology to GCSE or, preferably, A-level standard. In addition, you are expected to have the study skills appropriate to progress on a Level 2 course, and these can be acquired through achieving a pass in one of the University's Level 1 courses; we particularly recommend Introducing health sciences: a case study approach (SDK125) or Exploring science (S104) (or the discontinued courses S102, S103), or An introduction to health and social care (K101) (or the discontinued course K100).

As well as being a suitable choice for science students, especially those who have a background in biology and health, the course can also provide a sound grounding in human physiology for social-science students who are particularly interested in health. It is very appropriate for health and social-care workers, and particularly for people in professions allied to medicine. If you have not taken our Level 1 course Exploring Science (S104) (or S103), SK277 can serve as a refresher course, perhaps for nurses returning to work or others who want to update their knowledge. If you have any doubt about the suitability of the course, please contact our Student Registration & Enquiry Service.

You don't have to have any qualifications at all - because basically as far as they are concerned it is up to you what you do and whether you have the skills to pass it etc etc. I am doing a level 2 course now and previous to that I did a level 1 course. I am finding the level 2 work harder but a lot more interesting but that could just be my slight subject change.

It is all very well put together and as long as you are confident writing essays and doing a lot of reading you will be fine.

Have you considered doing a level 1 course first? Do you get them funded? It might be interesting to do one of the level one courses they suggest first??

:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks so much everyone!! basically i am applying for midwifery for next year and i need a higher science but am too late to get into one now (they all started in aug :()

i have chosen the level 2 because it's the only human biology course, i think the level one isn't as specified and i know the human bio would benefit me more. also in my first year of nursing i completed a physiology course, so i think i would be ok with level 2 with my knowledge from that, it's just rubbish that i can't use that for the entry req's for midwifery :wall:

i have applied so fingers crossed they accept me :pray:

suzie - i don't know if i qualify for funding, i have asked them to send me the application through.

thanks again and i'll keep you all updated!!

**oh suzie!! got your letter misses hahaha :lol: will write back tomorrow, it was fantastic :D thankyou for my stickers :cheer:
woooo :D glad this one actually arrived!

You might be eligible for even a little bit of funding. :)
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That's fantastic! If you need any help with anything let me know. The system is quite easy once you get used to it (eTMA etc).

I'm on my new course and I am LOVING it, it's really interesting!

Suzie and Faith said:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That's fantastic! If you need any help with anything let me know. The system is quite easy once you get used to it (eTMA etc).

I'm on my new course and I am LOVING it, it's really interesting!


thankyou :hug:

what you doing this time? are you working towards a diploma/degree or anything?? xx
I'm doing a 60 point Psychology level 2 course. I'm working (slowly!) towards an accredited Psychology degree
Suzie and Faith said:
I'm doing a 60 point Psychology level 2 course. I'm working (slowly!) towards an accredited Psychology degree

brilliant :cheer: that must be really interesting :D

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