Any other oldies (ehem and first timers??)???


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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Well I'm not THAT old, in fact I'm barely done growing up but at 36 I'd love to know if there are others same age as me?

I just want to know what other folk think about the differences in risks as the years fly by (yep I had WAY too much fun and they flew!). I know risk is better for second babies after a successful first one too.

I'm stupidly only just pregnant but after 3 positives one thing I know for sure is that I am pregnant. It would have been my period on Thurs or Fri last week so it's all very new.

How do you cope with wanting to go nuts and celebrate and yet knowing the whole 'Early Days' thing is oh so real?
:wave: hello and welcome!

Not sure about being older and having kiddies, as I had paris at 18 and this one I will be 26. But my Mum had me at 41 and I turned out ok :cheer:

Good luck!
But my Mum had me at 41 and I turned out ok

CLASSIC!! I bet she's still damn proud...

Ok - I fess, I've never been jealous of anyone younger until now. I've loved my adult life and mostly look forward to whatever happens next, I was dead chuffed with my first grey hair just as I was my first period at 14! But Oh HELL what I wouldn't give not to be in any high risk category - 'cos I so want this little'un.

I've been looking at baby slings, thinking baby things.... and DAMN just right now I'd love to be 10 years younger! (which is different from wishing I'd had a baby 10 years ago).
Paris's wasn't planned and I felt then that I'd lost out on a lot, so would have rather waited! But thats life. This one was planned and well once you have one doesn't matter if you have two :rotfl:

BTW I'm the last one of 8 8)
Ok - well she had 7 under the belt so probably had a fair right to confidence. I have a big whopping nill under me belt!

So does anyone know anyone older knocking around these parts?
hello- popping in from tri 2-

I am 31- will be 32 month or so after the birth and this is our first. I am also not that far from you- I live in chesterfield.

How is your pregnancy going do far?
It's new - stupidly new! It would have been my period about Thurs or Fri last week. So far no real symptoms but I sort of knew I was pregnant and took my first ever test on Saturday - positive! You could have blown me down with a feather - except it was so weird, I swear I knew.
I had my first baby aged 20 and now I'm 36 and having the second.. Big gap I know, but a divorce and then a second marriage sorted that one out! I'm considered 'low risk' as I had no major complications first time round, but to me it really feels as though I'm having my first baby, as I can barely remember the first time around. The only complication I have is when I'm out shopping with my son who is a whopping 6 foot 1 at aged 15!! I am sure people stare at us funny looking at him and then my belly and thinking 'noooo?' LOL
Hehehehehe... I bet that's quite funny!!

I think I'll feel like I'm cruising after the first 3 months are up. What I'd like is to know how or whether the odds get better as the first weeks pass. I just want out of the danger zone! :roll:
Hi there Floppit...

Congratualtions on your pregnancy...

I am 33 and having my first.. will be 34 when he/she comes...

I have had a couple of miscarriages this year which were obviously heartbreaking...

I don't think too much about my age as I don't feel 33... I also know that I have now found the right man to settle down and have a family with so the timing is right for me...

I do wonder whether I would feel this tired if I was younger though - believe me, I feel like I am having an out of body experience from about 3pm onwards every day at the moment! I just hit a wall and that's me done..!

Wishing you well for your 9 months! :)
Babylicious - there is 11 1/2 years between me and OH too. He is just 39 and I am 27.
Hey - my hubby is a toy boy till the 30th this month! He's six months younger than me... :rotfl:

Ok - the clan is growing. I still appear to be the oldest first timer, so if there's someone peeping in who's older I'll share me slippers! (mountain bike, rock boots or trainers would be more accurate but somewhat less fluffy).
floppit said:
Hey - my hubby is a toy boy till the 30th this month! He's six months younger than me... :rotfl:

Ok - the clan is growing. I still appear to be the oldest first timer, so if there's someone peeping in who's older I'll share me slippers! (mountain bike, rock boots or trainers would be more accurate but somewhat less fluffy).

Hiya Floppit

well I'm a 1st time mum and I am 40 so think I fit in your catergory :rotfl: , my DH is 7 years younger then me!!!! :lol:

with the risks, my doctor was great and really put my mind at rest although he did press for me to have the downs test which I was apprehensive as I'd had a miscarriage previously, other then that I did not think thewre were any more problems or risks compared to someone younger.

just try and relax, after all whatever will be will be!!!! good luck
Tuck - thank you!! That's music to my ears!!

No-one has really had time to talk to me about it yet, I just looked up the miscarriage rates and how they changed (not in a good way) after 35. It's really lovely to hear you say that your doc was so confident.

I get to see a nurse on Weds and a Doc on Friday so hopefully I'll come away reassured.

You want to borrow me slippers? :rotfl:
floppit said:
You want to borrow me slippers? :rotfl:

:rotfl: I've had mine out for a couple of years, the walking sticks around somewhere as well :rotfl:

seriously, i was 38 when fell pregnant 1st time and sadly miscarried at 8 weeks but the Docs said that it was not due to age or anything like that, it was just 'one of those things', fell pregnant again 8 months later and had a very normal pregnancy with no major problems except chronic heartburn and swollen legs and feet but not due to high blood pressure.
my Doc has told me that there is no reason why we should not try for another baby either.

good luck and hope that you can start to relax after speaking to your doc/nurses etc.
The risk factor with age is so subjective its not worth worrying about at all Floppit, for instance my first husband had a downs brother and I was just 20 when I fell pregnant by him. They didnt offer me any tests because even though there was a downs child directly in the family they thought i was too young. However at 36 now, and with a clear medical history from hubby no #2, they've offered me a test, whilst a close friend at 43 has just had her 1st healthy baby after refusing all testing.

Personally I believe that a 1/250 chance of an abnormality at 35 is considerably less risk than a 1/100 chance of a miscarriage, so I doubt very much that I'd have an amniocentesis, though I might if i was 40. But really, every couple is different and the best thing to do is put all worries aside, go with your instincts, and make uniformed decisions as and when they need to be made. :D
Floppit :hug: :wave:
Welcome fellow oldie :wink:

I turned 35 a few weeks ago, I was 34 when I fell pregnant with Ruby-she is my first-OH is 34.

I have been broody since 18, but never found the right man, and I can honestly say being a mum at 34 is fantastic!! She is our world, and keeps me young!!

I ws surprised at how many other mums I met during anti natal classes etc around my age too!! I thought I would be like granny grump!!!

I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months, you are about to embark on the most exciting adventure ever, and you will LOVE it!!!

We are all here every step of the way :hug: xxxxxxxx
I had my first at 37 and after screening, was given a 1/55 chance of downs etc. I had an amnio, which was fine and gave birth to a perfectly healthy girl.

I am now 44 and pregnant with my second :dance: :dance: again, I had an amnio and the results were normal. I've been told that the most difficult part for older ladies is getting pregnant in the first place!! Hence 7 year age gap :wink:

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