Any one pregnant with other conditions


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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Hi all im hoping this is the right place to put this (move me if needed pls) :wave:
I was just wondering if there are any other mummies to be who have other conditions that you have to live with. Was thinking it would be nice to have somewhere to go to talk to other people who also have conditions that makes the pregnancy a little (how did my doc put it ) unique. :friends:

Im 30 and have EDS type 3 which cause my joints to subflex and dislocate when they feel like it. this condition has also left me with ME which means i get exhausted easily after doing anything (on a bad day hoovering one room can put me in bed for hours). I also have other symptoms like bad migraines which can cause hemipleiga of the left side of my body.

I have been thinking about setting this up for a while but today i feel so low as im so tired after a trip out yesterday that im sat here thinking its really a good idea
Ah I haven't got any other major conditions but didn't want to read and run. Sorry you're feeling so rubbish today. :hugs:

I haven't got any other conditions but it sounds like a great idea. Good luck with it - maybe just ask the mods to add a new group?? Shouldn't be too much work for you! xx
Thanks for your messages ladies the support i get on here is invaluable to me and i really appreciated it.
I will send the mods a message about adding a new group
I've got an autoimmine disorder although it's been quiet for several years now. So, not something I have to live with as such anymore but it does mean that I get regular blood tests and hospital appointments and have a consultant looking after my pregnancy...

Sorry to hear you've got so much to cope with :hugs:
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Hi hun, great idea! :yay:

Wow, lots for you to deal with hun, hope you're feeling better today.

I've got a long history really, way too long to post but basically had some major ops on my stomach after suffering from an illness for most of my life, surgeon assured me concieving would not be an issue (and lo and behold here I am, nearly a week after my BFP!) but birth will be. I cannot have a natural birth due to the strain the ops have caused so have been recommended a c-section. Not really sure how I feel about it at the mo, will have to cross that bridge when we come to it, or at least when it feels more real! :)

x x
Congrats on your BFP. You will be fine hun and i dont think it matters how they come out the result is the same a lovely little person to look after and love.
Im sure the fact that you are pregnant will seem a lot more real when you get your first scan

I suppose we all have our own struggles and obstacles in life and its how we get through them that count. I feel a lot better now that i have spent time resting but i still feel sleep so early night tonight i think.
Thank you. :D

Doing another test on Friday, just to make sure. ;)

It's more the epidural part I'm scared of, I have a humungous fear of needles! :faint:

I totally agree as well hun. Glad to hear you're feeling a little better.

x x
I've got fibromyalgia (it's described as like ME but with a huge pain factor added on). I was also born with CHD ('clicky hips') which can make my hips funny, and my knees have patella maltracking. Doctors were sending me for xrays etc because they think I might have arthritis - but I got pregnant before they managed to sort themselves out and get me in. I also have chronic depression and anxiety disorder but these are pretty under control.

Certainly makes things interesting. But I don't talk about it much. But yer not alone :)
:hugs: I have endomitriosis , which means regular surgery , blood tests and meetings with a pain management consultant for me . This will could probably be my last baby as I have one ovary and its been damaged . . not sure how to feel about that as im only 22
Hi this is a great topic thanks for posting it :)

I am 25

I was born with hypermobility although i didn't find out until i about 7 years ago as i was very athletic into gymnastics (the hypermobility explains the suppleness lol) this kept my muscles strong, which kept my joints in place more, hypermobility is very similar to ESD all of my joints are very supple and click in and out of place this causes a great deal of pain and exhaustion, i have got CHD (Clicky hips) my hips click in and out of their joints frequently this is because my hip joints haven't formed properly so the joints sit funny.

I found out at a very similar time 7 years ago the i have got ME or fibromyalgia the docs cant make up there mind whether they think there is much of a difference. I have the terrible pain that goes with it, i had been experiencing symptoms for about 5 years before diagnosis but the docs kept saying it was depressions took me a long time and a lot of fighting to get my diagnosis.

song bird and purplehippy i was wondering have you experienced any problems with your conditions so far into the pregnancy?

I have had a pain in my pelvic floor for several weeks now which i am sure is down to to the laxity of my muscles already and the pregnancy hormones making them even more lax, i have had back pain sciatic nerve trapping in my spine down to the same reasons, the exhaustion has also got worse which is a nightmare as with the ME i don't sleep much in the first place.

I am seeing rheumatologist on Tuesday the 15th of march to discuss the hypermobility and what will happen with that when i am in labour (i am going to try and stipulate that i don't go over due as i don't think my hips could withstand the pressure). I have also read that it can lead to early labour due the laxity of the muscles in that area i am going to be asking the likelyhood of this happening.

sorry for long post just nice to know that i am not the only1 in this situation
Hi ladies thanks to you all for posting its so good to know that there are others out there who know what you are going through.

I have been getting a lot more pain in my joints and i think my knee is on its way out so looks like i will be on the crutches soon :cry:

I was on crutches with my dd frm about 6 months so doc has already given me the crutches so we are ready.

The exhaustion is terrible now and if i go out one day i need a few days to recover and a trip to the shops kills me

I was also warned that i could have a early labor when i was pregnant with my dd as it was i went into labor on my due date and had her the day after, but on a good note i had a 36 hour labor and only felt pain in the last 20 mins when i was pushing her out apparently i have a high pain threshold thanks to the joint pain i live with every day.

I totally understand where you are coming from with the fighting for a diagnosis my mum had me at the docs from a early age saying something wasnt right but i was labeled a lazy child who just didnt want to walk i finally got diagnosed with hypermobile joints when i was 21 the Hypermobility syndrome when i was 23 and then this got re classified as EDS when i was 26 and some doctors still say the pain is just because im depressed (i dont see that doctor very often).

Well i went to the shops today and bought baby its first bits of clothing and bought tickets to go see a musical on sat so tomorrow i will need to rest as im soo tired already
Not PG yet..........but I have Lupus SLE with an overlap of Rhuematoid Arthritis and Raynauds Syndrome. My Lupus is behaving at the moment whicgh is good as I'm off all my meds at the moment TTC!!
Not PG yet..........but I have Lupus SLE with an overlap of Rhuematoid Arthritis and Raynauds Syndrome. My Lupus is behaving at the moment whicgh is good as I'm off all my meds at the moment TTC!!
Yay! Congrats on the medicine free status :D. I was told that if you get pregnant when the SLE is quiet you're much less likely to have any problems with it during the pregnancy so go for it! I hope you get your BFP soon :)
I'm not pg yet either but i have an overactive thyriod, high blood pressure, calcuim defenicy and b12 defenicy which i'm on medication for all of them.
Good luck with the TTC i hope you get your BFP soon.
fingers crossed
Not pregnant yet, I do have a few medical issues ;) I have Cystic Fibrosis & Diabetes, also have problems with my knees & hips.
I'm hoping my lungs aren't put under too much stress during pregnancy causing my lung function to drop and I managed to get them back to pre-pregnancy condition with no to little problem.
Good luck with TTC hun i hope you get the result you want.
And i hope it does not put too much stress on your body

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