any ladies with experience of clomid


Jan 11, 2011
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Hi everyone.

Bit of a random question for anyone taking or that has taken clomid.

I am on my 2nd cycle of 50mg days 2-6. my 1st cycle I started getting pains on both sides of my ovaries from cd12 that lasted until cd20. They were quite painful but the fertility nurse didn't seem concerned. I had a follicle tracking scan on cd 14 which showed one good size egg and ov around cd18.

The hospital only do one follicle tracking scan to check that was right dose etc... so I will not be having anymore done.

I am now cd13 and so far not even a twinge of a pain. Has anybody else had this? i'm just worried it means it's not working? Although the pain was bad last time at least i could take it as a positive sign.

Any advice would be much appreciated :)
Hey hun

I am on my fourth clomid course and have ovulated quite late on all my cycles expect my last one which I had the same pains as you described.

On my first two cycles I didnt have a clue if/when I ovulated, had no pains etc.. it was only cause I was doing opk's that I knew when it had happened, so try not to worry no pain doesnt mean no ovulation x
Hey hun

I am on my fourth clomid course and have ovulated quite late on all my cycles expect my last one which I had the same pains as you described.

On my first two cycles I didnt have a clue if/when I ovulated, had no pains etc.. it was only cause I was doing opk's that I knew when it had happened, so try not to worry no pain doesnt mean no ovulation x

thanks for that hun, i'm doing opk's so hopefully they will put my mind at rest. x
I've took clomid for 2 months and the first month i had those cramps but the second month i didn't. I think the first time you take clomid it's such a shock to the body that it reacts with those cramps, whereas the subsequent months it is not such a shock. I had a couple of months break from clomid to see if my body reacted naturally but it hasn't so going back on clomid next month. The hospital only usually scan you once or twice. Keep us updated:)
Hi hun, I actually got pregnant on my 6th cylcle of 50mg clomid - I did have problems before that though:-

- cycle extended from 28 days to 35 days
- every month in the 2ww I was getting really bad sickness
- also getting more discharge
- brown discharge that I kept mistaking for implantation bleed
- went off food in the 2ww

So as you can see from above, there a quite a few pregnancy symptoms. Just thought you should be aware as I kept getting excited with every 2ww!! turns out when I actually got pregnant, I had no symptoms in the 2ww!!!

Good luck x x

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