any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Max has been very settled today, no whinging, eating fine, napping fine. Then at 730 he just started really really crying just from nowhere, then realised hed had a poo so changed his bum n suddenly he threw his arms back clenched his fists and literally threw his body from side to side, his face looked like it was just sheer panic and the screams were so loud. It freaked me out and made me feel sick coz I could tell how awful it was for him but any ideas what could have caused it!??

I then gave him a bath coz he loves baths and he cried near the end of it- he's never cried in the bath ever :( I took him out changed him n now he's falling asleep after a 6oz feed.

Very odd and horrible :( :(
I meant to post this before, Tilly had a few days doing this last week and it was really really awful to watch
She had proper wide spooked eyes and screamed and screamed with her little arms out like a scarecrow.

I have no idea what it was but it seems to have stopped now.
It could've been trapped wind hun, that can cause spasm like pain
Wss^^ Albert's been doing this the last few nights after 7pm. He stopped it and now it's back tonight. It settled down every time I bathed him. Non-apple flavoured fripe water hunt tomorrow me thinks cos we had green slimy poo this morning :shock:

Hope he's ok sweetie :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Yes, trapped wind does this with Emily sometimes. :-(
Yeah it was like that Tor, defo a painful cry I could see it in his face.

Yeah possibly trapped wind, ill see if it keeps happening n if it does ill get some gripe water as I only use colief xxx
Thanks ladies

Lol bb I don't fancy green poop!

Are there diff kinds of gripe water then? What do people suggest? Xxx
If I can only get apple flavoured daddy's giving it :D.......Albert hates it lol
the origonal woodwards gripe water is available most places again bb

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