Advice please


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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I was just wondering what time everyone gives their baby dinner? And milk (those under one year I guess?)

At the moment, most days A is having a mid afternoon feed around 3-330. He then starts his dinner (blw) between 445-5 pm, and depending on how much fun he's having/ how it's holding his attention, he will stop anytime from 515-545.

Then, I take him upstairs tidy his room and then bath at 6. By the
I've dried him and dressed him, he has his last feed at 630.

It seems an awful lot of food! And I can tell he's not taking Much milk at 630. I'm wonderig whether to try and push the afternoon feed to around 430 then it wot seem
So dragged out?

Just wondering what other mummies do? He's also an extrmelely early riser - woke at 530 this am and would Not go Back to Sleep. I've started to feed him at 730 am regardless of time he wakes up in the hope he won't wake so early!!

Thanks for reading xx
Rhea normally has her last feed bout 7.30 ish and has milk and rice bout 4. She has 4 bottles a day at the min. How old is lo ? Can't see on my phone xx

You will probably find that you drop the mid afternoon feed, replace with small snack and then bring dinner forward to around 430. Then lo will take more milk at bedtime. The aim over the next few months is to have morning and night milk. Three meals and probably mid morning And mid afternoon snack. Most nurseries give them dinner around 330 x
Lizzie has lunch at 12, a beaker of milk or a snack at about 3, tea at 5 and then her night time bottle at 6-6:30. She probably only takes about 4-5oz but I think it's just for the routine of it and even if she doesn't drink hardly any she'll still sleep through so she doesn't need it for the actual 'food' element.
Thanks for all your replies.

I was under the impression though that until the age of 1, he will still be having about 4 breastfeeds a day?
joshua has a large beaker of milk and porridge for breakfast between about 7-7.45, a mid morning snack and then lunch at about 12.30. Mid afternoon snack and then his dinner at 5 which he has a meal and dessert and is done by about 5.15/5.25 then its bath time at 6 followed by a large beaker of warm milk with his bedtime story!

Hes had this routine since being about 11 months. He drinks all his milk and eats all his food but he would never miss a meal or milk even when he had chicken pox lol!!

He sleeps through from 7-7 (occasionally 8).

Im not sure about breastfeeding hun and how many a day so cant help with that one! x
Take Los lead on the bf. He may cut them out? my friends was having am and pm only at 11 months but heard others having way more than 4. could you make the mid afternoon bf any earlier?

we were ff by 6 months as O refused the boob and it was awful at the time! so we did bottles and 1t 8 months he was having 4 bottles a day (i think, gosh it fades so fast/0 but we took his lead as to when to drop them x
My LO is 9 months and our get up and go to bed times are slightly different to yours so our timings will be totally different, but as an idea, our routine foodwise is something along these lines:
5.30am boob
8.30am boob
9.30am breakfast
11.30am boob
1.00pm lunch
1.30pm boob
5.30pm boob
6.00pm dinner
7.30pm boob

So quite a lot of breastfeeds but tbh she probably doesn't need them all - the 8.30am one is mainly so I can stay in bed a bit longer, and the after lunch one is to encourage a nap.
Owen has dinner at about 4 which is a jar and yoghurt and then has a bath at 6 and then night time bottle x

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