any ideas...?


Apr 28, 2010
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this month i reckon I ov on day 13... had EWCM and everything, did all the BDing etc etc... so now i would be day CD 19 (7DPO) and had another blob of EWCM !!!???????... have had well sore bbs for last 2 days so am thiinking AF is probably on way early as am not due af till next thurs and surely its too early for PG Symptoms...

Does that happen to any of you guys before af?????

trying not to send myself round the bend looool

thank you
I wouldn't worry about one blob, could just have made its way out from ov time?
i'm 7dpo and had pg symptons too it's frustrating but it's a case of waiting and testing
Im going through exactly the same!!! i ov'd on day 14 and today ive had quite a bit of ewcm???? i dont understand it, i have read its possible to ov twice in one month... but never actually heard of anyone who has.. why does our bodies put us through this?? xxx
lol I knooooow soooo anoying!!! I guess in time we will all know.... grrrrrr!!

am trying to think up a huge project to take my mind off it all... which room to decorate lol

Now thats a plan!! I got lots to wait for in the next few weeks as im having 21 day bloods next week and also a scan to check everything.. im hoping they might find a baby when they scan!!! fingers crossed. xxx
Oh Mrs White I have plenty rooms you can come decorate if you want to take your mind off it!!

Yes I agree tho its so annoying why cant it just be straight forward!! Pahhhh lol xxx
Oooh fingers xd for the scan K8... hoping they find a baby in there :)... that would be such a lush suprise

have decided to start undercoating the hallway... but not tonight... perahps when OH is on night shifts this weekend!

Am slightly excited tho as have LOADS of discharge... (sorry if TMI) like pants are propper soppy (again sorry)...... I remember lots of discharge from my fist pregnancy but i cant remember exactly when and how much... so annoying! and cuz i wasnt really trying it was like 5 weeks preggers when i threw up and thort... hang on a min... i am only week 3 so got another week till testing... but grrrrr oh well... best get them paints out :)

babydust to all............................................

Mrs White. I accidentaly 'thanked' you, my thumb slipped ha ha. But thanks anyway

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