any have asthma??? Help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Help Im not too sure what to do, I suffer with Asthma and my breathing atm is rubbish probably phylegm on the chest, however just check my meds and the steroid one i need says i should take it when preggo!

Eek what am i supposed to do? :wall:
I don't know but I suggest phoning NHS Direct who will advise you...

The last thing you want is to get an attack and not know what to do...

Give them a call straight away... :)
Good advice there! I take seretide and ventolin and used both throughout my pregnancy. As the drug is absorbed in your lungs in a fairly localised area there is not much chance of it effecting the baby but these warnings are put on the packets just in case. Your baby needs you to have sufficient levels of oxygen in your blood stream so you do need your meds. Check with your gp as well and you may be able to discuss different options.
gingerpig said:
Good advice there! I take seretide and ventolin and used both throughout my pregnancy. As the drug is absorbed in your lungs in a fairly localised area there is not much chance of it effecting the baby but these warnings are put on the packets just in case. Your baby needs you to have sufficient levels of oxygen in your blood stream so you do need your meds. Check with your gp as well and you may be able to discuss different options.

Oh few thanks both of you, I HAVE to take my meds otherwise i get so breathy, I take the same seratide and ventolin so that has put my mind at ease the last thing id want is for baby to have heart or lung problems becayse of me!!!

Thanks so much again, im going to phone nhs direct aswell just to consult but thanks again girls!

Gos i dont know what id do without this forum feel like crying again lmao!!!

Awwww :hug: My Debs is absolutely fine so please dont worry about the effect your meds will have on her. Talk it over with your gp especially as you are more wheezy as you may notice changes to your asthma now you are pregnant. Mine got worse but I think it can be 50:50 either way.
Sharne said:
Help Im not too sure what to do, I suffer with Asthma and my breathing atm is rubbish probably phylegm on the chest, however just check my meds and the steroid one i need says i should take it when preggo!

Eek what am i supposed to do? :wall:

last year i had to take my puffer and a short course of steroid tablets despite being pregnant.
At the end of the day its either you take them or die.
check with your doctor though as i don't know what meds you are on.
i am on seritide and ventolin, and docter still prescribed them whilst i was pregnant..

hope it gets better soon :hug:
Ok thanks SO MUCH for everyones advice, i did as suggested and called nhs direct and the doctor said in the end its fine to take my meds because better that then i have an asthma attack...

Also since then my breahing has returned to normal all is well in Ricicle land lol! (thats what i call it tehe)


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