any advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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So ive had spotting on and off for a week now. Had a scan on tuesday. And everything was fine. Ive just been to the loo now and wiped and had bloody stringy looking on the tissue. Not like a clot, just stringy. A&e wont do anything. What else csn i do? Xxx
Strange that A&E wont do anything, any bleeding is usually treated seriously (though in most cases it doesn't mean a thing)- can you try another A&E?
They just keep saying thst if the worse could happen they csnt stop it. So i understand that. Its just shit that our EPU isnt open weekends xxx
The only thing you can do at this point is lie...
aw hun, its scary isn't it. I had the same on and off up until week 9ish and even a couple of days of full bleeding.
I was so terrified but it was all ok. The good news is you had a scan and that was fine spotting is very normal and happens more often than I thought.
Just keep an eye on it, it will most likely ease up on its own. If it starts getting heavy and with cramps, maybe call the EPU again? Or it its driving you completely nuts, look at booking a private scan,
good luck x
Sorry just read you said the EPU is closed on weekends. Just try to relax as best you can and call them in the morning xx
Hello everyone. Sorry ive not been on much. Busy working and looking after my dd. Bleeding has completely stopped. No cramps. Just the ole nausea. I still cant help thinking itll be bad news at my scan on 4th september :( im alot more nervous and panicky this time round xxx
Been thinking about you twinkle! are you able to go to a private scan just to help you with your reassurance? I am sure all will be fine xx
Glad to hear its stopped :) that's good news , keep thinking positive I'm Sur everything Is fine . How are you managing at work with the nausea? X
Im coping ok with it. Ive had to have a couple if days off work due to feeling rotten. Sickness, headaches. Atleast work csnt say anything due to it being pregnancy related lol. If it werent for the constant sickness i wouldnt be able to tell if i was preg or not. I just csnt wait for the scan now. Xxx

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