any advice??


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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hey ladies

Ive been having these pains in my belly all day like period pains really, it hurts when i bend,lift??

at 1st i thought it might be cos i need a number 2 but had one of those and its still there, i feel bloated aswell

any advice wld be gr8 :hug:
Braxton hicks chez?!
I have had pains in my lower belly and back today too..

could be too much grub!?!


oh im not sure chez but i know i have had these pains before, like a dull ache and when you bend it kind of feels like it is bruised?

I have wondered what they are and then they pass. very strange.
ive got them as well and find I get them more when im tired or have over done it!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Girls, I was reading my book last night as I've had these pains since First Tri. In the first Tri it says it is the uterus expanding and in the fifth month it's mentioned again and they are exactly the same: Growing Pains. It mentions that they are usually felt when standing up or bending. I get stronger ones when moving about sometimes but mild ones occasionally when doing nothing. :)

In other words, the bean is growing and stretching his room to make it bigger :lol: Hope that helps :)
I get them too especially after bending, so I just try and avoid bending now.
I also get them more when I've eaten
I get these too on the sides and MW said that the ligaments are stretching to make room for the expanding uterus, all very normal stuff hun.She also said sometimes the ovaries can 'twist' a bit and that can be sore too
I recall with my 1st pregnancy experiencing alsorts of aches and pains, some very painful - I am sure its all down to your body making further changes, not only to make more room for the baby but to prepare for the birth too.

My MW used to suggest taking 2 paracetamol which usually did the trick, that or a nice bath.

Hope they ease off soon, x
hello thanks so much for my replies, I need have a hot bath and it seemed to ease the pain loads and by bed time it was gone

its good to hear other people getting these pains aswell, hope ur all feeling well :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had those exact same pains last night. It was horrible.. I couldn't stand up.. my other half was really worried.. offered to drive me to hospital but I laughed and told him that it's probably just "growing" pains.. still a nice excuse to run a warm bath and have him fetch me tea and snacks! :cheer:

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