Any advice re cots/mattresses and buggies?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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I'm going to the Glasgow Pram Centre on Saturday to have a look at the different prams/pushchairs/travel systems etc but I was wondering if anyone had any good advice of what to look for? I'd like the baby to lay flat and we also use the car quite a bit so I'm thinking a travel system will be best for us?

Cots - I've seen a couple I really like, but I'm confused about the benefit of having one where the sides come down opposed to fixed?

Mattresses - there seems to be loads and loads to choose from! How did you decide on yours?
Are you all using a crib or moses basket when the baby is newborn or straight into the cot? Does anyone know if you can use Growbags from birth or are blankets best until 3months?

Sorry to sound so clueless - I'd really like to choose the bits we need and want but am so confused at the moment!


i'm getting the quinny speedi sx (from the glasgow pram centre!) with the dreami carrycot. i'll use the carrycot instead of a moses basket ot cot for the first months until he outgrows it, then he's going into his cot.
I haven't actually bought these items yet.

But, with the cot is best to buy one where the height of the bit they sleep on is adjustable to save your back, which in my mind seems more important than a side that drops down. Also my little nephew had a cot bed which adapts with them until they are 5 which seems like a really good idea.

We are still pretty clueless about buggies, but we recently purchased a second hand travel system 3-wheeler style and it is really heavy to lift. The DH had trouble getting it through the front door folded up and he has forbidden me from even lifting it. So best to aim for one that weighs about 10kg instead of 16kg which some of the super-duper ones weigh.

This is all I can advise at the mo. We are yet to find the perfect buggy. :cry:
as it was explained to me...

the benefit of having a cot where the sides slide down is that as baby gets bigger and can stand while grabbing onto the sides, you need to move the matress down. Once the matress is lower down it is more difficult to place a sleeping baby up, over and down as oppose to through and down!! sorry if i dont make any sense....
Thanks girls, you've given me some good things to thing about.

Think I'll also put a post on Third trimester to try and find out about mattresses.


25 + 3
We have ordered the graco quattro deluxe travel system and its freat, sturdy and good as the baby can lay completely flat too!

I know the glasgow pram centre do it as i looked on thier website. If you go to toys r us its on special offer at the mo too!
I really like the look of the mama's and papa's plilko pramette system what do you guys think? ... amette.htm

Because we are in london i need something i can use on the bus easily and the tube but my MIL is adamant that the baby needs to be able to lie flat... probably true but all the prams i've seen are really bulky. she offered to buy us a bebe car pram which are v expensive and bulky whereas this one seemed sensible and cheaper esp if we get it on ebay.

funnily enough though my dreams of the plilko pramette were shattered when she phoned later in the same day to say her sister's friend will give us her old one which is 'lovely' - don't even know what type it is or when we'll get to see it. It's nice when people want to help but difficult when she doesn't expect us to chose what we are happy with - if it was upto her i wouldn't know anything we are getting till the baby arrives... i'd like to be a bit more organised :( :( :( but i feel rude asking to see it as i don't know her sister let alone her friend... good luck with findind what you all want :)

The best buggy for being lightweight and for newborn is the Maclaren Techno Classic. We are seriously considering it at the moment.

It may not be trendy but they are well built, super-light, super cozy for the newborns and easy to manage. They have also been going for decades!
checked it out and it looks really good but i know my MIL will complain about it not being adjustable to lie flat - does anyone know what she's talking about that it's better for the baby to lie flat at the early stages?!?! I think i need to find a two in one pushchair/pram for around £150 whether on ebay or new...

To be honest whatever i do she will dissaprove and complain behind my back so I shouldn't care but i'd like te avoid as much interference as poss :(

thanks for the advice
we are going for the new Graco mosaic travel system, very light and £155 at glasgowpramcenter.
It has many reclining position, and I think (can't remember for sure)that you can have baby lying flat in it. And it's a travel system which means that you have the car seat as well.

Toysrus are doing it as well, so if you are lucky enough to have one in your area, you can always go and have a look at it. ... mosaic_ts/

to have all the specs. Hope this helps.
take care,
mel xx
The techno classic does lay down totally flat for a newborn.

Check it out in a shop. It is very cozy and very light and it has a support round the head specially for newborns. It really does fold down totally flat.

The lady in the shop basically said to me that she doesn't know why anyone would buy anything else, as most people go back when the child is six months old and buy a maclaren stroller anyway, because it is so easy to live with compared to the huge 3 in 1 masterpieces.

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