any advice please!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'v posted this in ask a mum too, sorry if u already seen it but i'll check both posts for answers!

trixipaws said:
my mission is to turn my baby (who is breech atm- 33.5 weeks) so i can have the home water birth i want ( :pray: :pray: :pray: ) so i'm after some advice!

saw MW today she didnt seem too concerned LO is breech at this stage, but did say that by 37 weeks she'll be too big to turn :shock: !
she said i could try sticking my bum in the air on my hands & knees and rocking for 5mins twice a day. what i'd like to kno is:

has anyone done this exercise and been successful?

if doing it too much might cause her to turn around twice- so we're back to where we started?! :shock: (forgot to ask her that! :doh: )

and is there anything else i can do (eat certain things, avoid certain things, etc)

any help appreciated!
Hi Trixipaws,

We talked about this in our anti-natal class. Going on all fours does work but also changing your sitting postion too! Don't sit back so your pelvis is tilted backward, try sitting more at the front of the chair so your pelvis is tilted forward. Apparently LO responds to gravity so any position that tilts you forward is good...I think!

Dont have many suggestions but hope LO turns for you hun
Hi Trixi :wave:

I did the ass in the air and mine moved round(34/35weeks), also sitting up straight no slumping back on the couch, i'm very aware of how i sit all the time now.

thanx girls, and oldermum thats encouraging. maybe my hips are too narrow? (thats one of the things i'v read doing my research!) i measured the distance between the two bones that normally jut out (i could just about find them, lol!) theres only about 25cm distance between them :think: do u think i'll have problems?
trixipaws said:
thanx girls, and oldermum thats encouraging. maybe my hips are too narrow? (thats one of the things i'v read doing my research!) i measured the distance between the two bones that normally jut out (i could just about find them, lol!) theres only about 25cm distance between them :think: do u think i'll have problems?

Saying the cervix only has to open 10cm i wouldn't think so, i'm only 5ft 1" and quite tiny(size 8 normal) and have had no probs giving birth, i'd just try and help baby move round and if not it could always be done at a later stage at the hospital so you could have a normal birth, there's time to smile yet Trixi i'm sure :hug:

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