Any advice on essentials?

Can I jump in with a question please as this thread is really helpful!! We've started buying baby grows and vests. How many approx of each size would you buy?! I'm hoping to buy various sizes up to 9-12 months in preparation Xx
Can I jump in with a question please as this thread is really helpful!! We've started buying baby grows and vests. How many approx of each size would you buy?! I'm hoping to buy various sizes up to 9-12 months in preparation Xx

Vest wise I personally would buy 2 packs in each size as it gives you spares and a chance to wash them, grows it depends on if you choose to have baby wearing them through the day for the first few weeks, I tend to buy quite a few in each size (about 7 or 8 if not more lol) but that is mainly because I think they all look cute and can't decide which ones I need or want lol x
Thank you ladies!! I'd prefer to keep in baby grows for at least 6 months - I love a baby in baby grows rather than "clothes" (as cute as some are!!) and find them more practical for both mum and baby. I'm sure we will get bought outfits and they will get used, but not as much as grows xx
I thought I'd feel that way but i actually found clothes far more practical when baby got here. I could change a happy by whipping off trousers and Unpopping poppers rather than bothering to have to get them in and out of a baby grow. I see baby grow and see pyjamas now.

Plus the clothes are so bloody cute!
Ooh baby dungarees are amazing for that, I shall be stocking up on them :) especially with 2 nappies to change lol x
We use reusable diapers during the day and Pampers at night. Tried many different, but our son sleeps 12h or more per night since around 8months and anything else leaked after that time. For wipes we have cotton cloths and water at home and whatever wipes are cheapest when we go out.
For toiletries I'm really happy with Galenco, don't know if they sell that in the UK. Try to avoid anything that's parfumed or coloured. We also preferred bath oil for the first 6 months instead of 'soap' and 'shampoo'.
I'd definitely go for long sleeves in October. Enjoy the shopping!
Ooh baby dungarees are amazing for that, I shall be stocking up on them :) especially with 2 nappies to change lol x

Oh I LOVE dungarees! Unfortunately now my son is 2 it's harder to get them burin love them because in he early days they were easy to change and then as he got older it meant he couldn't take them off and run around naked haha!
Yeah we have the same problem plus he is toilet training so they are far from ideal. Definitely worth it for the first 18 months though :) x
Can I jump in with a question please as this thread is really helpful!! We've started buying baby grows and vests. How many approx of each size would you buy?! I'm hoping to buy various sizes up to 9-12 months in preparation Xx
I had 2 packs of 3 vests so 6...... And I'd go through at least 3 a day with spit up milk or nice yellow poop smear lol x
Nappies - Aldi are great - I was a pampers snob before but the mamia nappies and wipes are just as good and a fraction of the price.the qualiy is very high and never leaked for us.

Clothing - bare season in mind for sizing, to start with plenty of vests and babygrows and blankets in the house, perhaps a thick baby grows or cardy for trips out? Long sleeved vests are a pain so I suggest short- no sleeved personally and not many outfits for 0-6 months as they just get pooped through!! Summer short sleeves with a cardy for back up.

Feeding - medela swing electric breastpump was great for me, tommee tippee bottles worked well with my daughter and the tommee tippee starter kit is useful ( with the bottle warmer and steriliser) I also highly recommend the perfect prep machine for formula as it is so quick and simple (absolute blessing at 3am). Hipp organic formula agreed nicely with my daughter but it's not the cheapest.

- Bathing - the angelcare support in our big bath was so much easier than the baby bath. I don't find those easy at all. I try to avoid too much lotion etc and always use sensitive wipes (mamia in Aldi) I have the Johnson baby shampoo which is ok. Waitrose baby bottom butter and coconut oil are great. I'd refrain from bubble bath to Start- tesco or Johnson head to toe wash is good though. And bubble bath for later on we use mum and me bedtime bath with lavender.

Other things to consider :

A nappy bag - I have a pacapod and LOVE it.

Nappy bin - we have one upstairs and one downstairs keeps smell away and is very useful. We have tommee tippee one.

Gro-bags - we use these instead of blankets and quilts and work very well for us as she's a fidget at night and kicks off the blankets! Different brands start from different weights - mine said from 8lb and she was 8-8 so we were good.

Pregnancy pillow- don't know if you have one or how you sleep but very useful

Breastfeeding cover- I got an udder cover for free which I loved but any I'm sure will do.

Nightlight? - We have a tomy star dreamshow which projects on ceiling and sings lullaby - I recommend this.

Muslin clothes - babies throw up, a lot! Muslin clothes are very useful.

Bibs once teething begins - I use billibib, or bibble.

Bibs for eating- 4 months+ I use bibetta long sleeved bibs and love them

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I didn't really use baby grows from 6 months up as my daughter was crawling and they got bunched up alot. Footless ones were ok though. I would avoid too many some for sleeping in maybe 6-9 but I personally switched to pj's as is easier to change nappy at night! We got a bunch of pj's from tesco and asda instead.

Newborn - a few - not too many
0-3 - 10
3-6 - 10
6-9 - 7
9-12 - 7

You can change them 3 times plus a day sometimes at the start

3 x newborn
9 0-3
9 3-6
3 6-9

This served us well for number 1 xx

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Oh! Bare in mind that if you buy vests with patterns on you can often see this pattern through babygrows so I stick to plain ones

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Its hard to tell whats right for you and your baby for your first one. I ended up with millions of stuff - to the point 3 year later we STILL have unopned toiletries (which are in date still :p)

Nappies I used huggies and pampers, then switched to Aldi when he was a bit older - but this time I think we will get a mix of both pampers and Aldi and assess whats better for baby. We are using water wipes in the first days, then sensitive mamia ones.

Clothes, living in Scotland most of our stuff has to be long sleeved anyway - not a lot of summer clothes and thankfully its a boy so we dont need to put baby in a dress in the cold :p Remember no snowsuits and/or thick jackets in the car/car seat.

Bathing we used the Johnsons first - and will again, then after that we were fine with all Johnsons products. No issues. We are using a Mamas and Papas bath in our bigger bath for now.

We used growbags when we could, but at first it was cellulars for baby to breath through. I had a V pillow which helped me sleeping, feeding and even to prop baby up!

Feeding, we used TT bottles - not quite sure which ones to go with this time, and a micro sterilizer which was so much better and took up less space! We used some bibs whilst feeding but mostly muslins or burp clothes in the early days. Formula we had SMA at first, but it didnt agree so we went with C&G and will again.

Huge thanks to you all for the advice :)! We will be buying the essentials but will be waiting to see what gets bought for us, as we have already been given presents and I'm only 18 weeks today! Haha, :) xx

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