

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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not sure if this is the right area to post this in :S

i always come down with bad tonsilitis when im stressed. got it 2 weeks ago and was given a mild form of penicillin because im breastfeeding but the tonsilitis came back the other day and now im on a stonger kind that is still supposed to be ok for breastfeeding but my milk seems to have dried up overnight!

he was on each boob for about half an hour and got very little and then brought it straight back up. iv ended up giving him a formula feed because he was totally starving and now hes out for the count.

do any of you have any experience of this? im not sure what to do but i even tried to express after the bottle feed and didnt even get enough to cover the bottom of a glass.

I have no idea but I hope you managed to speak to your HV or doctor to get some good strong advice.

my milk has pretty much dried up :( iv tried to feed him but he just comes off and starts crying because hes hungry so hes on the bottle now. it wont be too much of a shock for him going on the bottle like that will it?? iv had no engorgement or anything, milk has just disappeared. managed to breastfeed for 3 months though so thats better than nothing i suppose
I would see your doctor, it could be a side effect of the tablets? Good luck, you may be able to re-establish your supply :hug:
iv tried to put him on my boobs as much as possible today, my milk has been letting down today so that a good thing and hes not seeming too hungry. gonna make an appointment with the doc but it wont be til next week when iv finished the antibiotics. just gonna keep plodding along! thought id love it when he was being bottle fed but im really missing the closeness of breastfeeding! something i thought i would never say :p
Mervs Mum can be really helpful with BF questions, I'll point it out to her and see if she's any advice for you.

Hi hun :) There's no reason for this to be the end. Once your ABs are done you just need to keep offering him boob and you'll soon see your supply start adjusting again. Let us know how you're getting on hun :)

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