Anti sickness tablets


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Can anti sickness tablets stop working? I have been on the same ones for nearly 2 weeks, but the last 2 days and this morning have been horrendous. I am able to keep some food down, but liquids seem like a big no no again. Had a couple of sips of water as I got got up as my throat was really dry, took my tablet then was immediately sick!

I am hating feeling so rough again after having a good couple of weeks. Also should I take another tablet or would it have absorbed so quickly, was sick around 5 mins after taking it? :( xx
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ahh i'm really sorry your tablets seem to be ineffective all of a sudden, not sure if they can stop working or not but i guess like most things after a while you can become immune so i guess its a possibility! Maybe speak to your doctor they might put you on a different type of anti-sickness medication or something! My sickness seems to be easing off as the day goes on now, hope yours does the same soon hun xx
I was prescribed cyclizine (sp). I took a total of around 8 tablets and they worked at first but made me really tired, to the point where I was struggling to keep my eyes open.

The tablets then started to stop working and it seemed that every time I took one I was instantly sick, which did help me to feel better as it was out of my system but isnt really the point of the tablets lol and I decided to stop taking them altogether.

Id just try and get through it :) I did a countdown in my head every time I was poorly and I just thought right this is one day down only so many more to a cut off point. Unfortunately in my case my sickness has never really gone away but calmed down a lot at around 22 weeks. I think Ive just been one of the really unlucky ones and Im sure you probably wont suffer for as long as I have. I also just got to the point of not actually caring about my dignity and have ended up being sick in public too many times but its just part of the process and I think once LO is here and in years to come I will look back on it all and have a bit of a laugh and joke about it lol.
I'd call your doctor & see what they suggest. I was on tablet ones too at the beginning & couldn't keep them down so they gave me supositories instead! I never took them as I managed to keep the tablets down the following day but they might help you!
Thank u everyone, I had a crappy day yesterday even though thankfully I wasn't sick again! Every sip of water or any other drink I tried made me feel like throwing up immediately afterwards. Have a feeling I'm going to end up dehydrated again :( I will phone the doctors again Monday morning and see want they say.

Woke up this morning feeling about the same as yesterday :( going to head downstairs in a min to try and eat and drink something. Looks like another lazy day watching Xmas films on tv for me :) xx
Oh hon i'm sorry you're feeling so poorly. I was just like that when I was pregnant with my daughter, it's just awful. My Dr gave me some tablets called Buccastem. Rather than swallowing them you stick them to your gum under your lip and they dissolve into the bloodstream. Ive had them again this time and although they don't completely stop the nausea, touch wood i've not actually vomited. Like you said, fluids are always a bit dodgy, I always feel like theyre going to bounce straight back up! I find icy cold drinks help with that.
I really hope you're feeling better soon xxx

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