NCT classes cost abotu £120, but this is for 8 classes of 2 hours each. So it doesn't work out that bad in the end.
They are really useful, for the social side of things more than the biological (I am a scientist so knew most of the facts anyway). After I gave birth my NCT local friends were a LIFELINE! I would have gone crazy without them.
We met up once a week at each other's houses. We still meet up regularly now, but as we have all gone back to work this is becoming more difficult.
They get booked up really early, I booked when I was 12 weeks.
NHS ones are also good. I went to them too. They gave me all the info I would need, but were very impersonal. I didn't meet anyone there because no one spoke to each other!
I would say if you have the opportunity to go on antenatal classes, then do it! It's best to be as prepared as you can be. Especially with regards to pain relief and your hospital's policies.