Antenatal Classes


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Anyone that is a bit further gone than me know when antenatal classes usually start and when they need to be booked? Im not sure if I have to book them or my midwife ill have to ask at my next appointment in 2 weeks but just wondered if anyone else knew

Thanks :D
you should book them as soon as, because they get full quiet early, i only just managed to get a place in mine, and breastfeeding one aswell! i think the time of them depends on ur hosp, im due on 28th dec and mine r booked for the 3rd and 10th dec. definatly would recommend asking now to be sure u get a place!!!
I couldnt book mine until after my 20 week scan. Make sure you ask about a "coping with labour" class as somtimes this is through the physiotherapy department.

Claire x
I've an appointment at the ante natal clinic next week, but I think that's just because they've marked me as high risk due to my anxiety problems and depression.
I asked my MW about them and her answer was "dont worry you are on my list" whatever that means? I have also enquired about the private NCT ones.

As my DH is away most of the week now working I guess Ill be going on my own!!! :(

I dont think you start them until about 30 weeks??
hi! :wave:
this probably sounds a really silly statement but how do i go about booking them>????
i mentioned them to my doctor on tuesday but he said he was not sure and to ask the MW,i do not see her til 28 weeks so am worried that this is too late?
do you get them on the NHS?
if not how do you go about arranging private ones and does anyone know how much they are?
which other courses/classes are recommended??
its my first baby so im unsure!! :think: :think: :think: :think:
If you would like private ones iv heard the nct ones are good, prices are on ... #antenatal
Do you have a number for your midwife? If so give her a call and she may book you in for them over the phone, thats what i did with mine. The nhs ones i booked is two sessions, each 2 hours long. I would say best thing to do is call your midwife and find out what the hospital led ones are like first and how you go about booking them. x
The NCT ones are suppose to be good but pricey. I did the NHS ones and i had 2 2 hour parenting classes which were mainly about labour and pain relief. I then had a breastfeeding one (2 hours) which was obviously about breastfeeding and then i had a 2 hour coping with labour class. I did gain a little bit of information with each one so it was worth going.

My midwife gave the number to ring at my initial appointment and i rang that after my 20 week scan. Dont rely on them telling you though, i had to ring a few times before i got onto mine.

Claire x
I got an application form from my midwife at my first visit. I sent it back to them when I was about 20 weeks. They are pretty busy so make sure you secure space for yourself early. I will get three two-hours sessions when I am 35 weeks.
Thanks for that guys looks like Ill have to talk to my midwife about them at my next appointment. Got one in 2 weeks so ill be 25 weeks. Hopefully she will be able to get them booked for me!!
I think it depends a bit on the systems they use where you live too. I asked my community midwife on booking in and she recommended NCT ones, or said the hospital will do them - but it's nothing to do with her, so if I want the NHS ones I have to deal with direct with the hospital. I've gone with NCT as they're closer to me than the hospital and have 8 x 2hr sessions, so I'm more likely to make friends that I'll keep in touch with, rather than having 2 x 2hr sessions at the city hospital.

I think the reason my MW has nothing to do with them might be cos my MW is from a birth centre in the county I live, but the hospital I've chosen is in a different county (I live right on the border) so different health care trust?
NCT classes cost abotu £120, but this is for 8 classes of 2 hours each. So it doesn't work out that bad in the end.

They are really useful, for the social side of things more than the biological (I am a scientist so knew most of the facts anyway). After I gave birth my NCT local friends were a LIFELINE! I would have gone crazy without them.

We met up once a week at each other's houses. We still meet up regularly now, but as we have all gone back to work this is becoming more difficult.

They get booked up really early, I booked when I was 12 weeks.

NHS ones are also good. I went to them too. They gave me all the info I would need, but were very impersonal. I didn't meet anyone there because no one spoke to each other!

I would say if you have the opportunity to go on antenatal classes, then do it! It's best to be as prepared as you can be. Especially with regards to pain relief and your hospital's policies.

Hi hun :) I asked Tracey about them when I was about 27 weeks and she booked me onto her classes - make sure you go to Tracey's group!!! :D

Can't believe you will be 25 weeks in 2 weeks, flipping heck Nikki! :hug:
Im seeing her at 25 weeks so Ill ask her about them then! I cant believe how quickly it is all going!! I want to come over and see you soon but never know if you get my texts coz I dont know what number you are using!! lol. Tracey is going to give me the breastfeeding talk at my next MW appt I think coz I want to bottlefeed im scared lol

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