antenatal classes


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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told by my midwife that if i want to go to antenatal classes offered by the NHS i need to sign up by the time i'm 18 weeks...
Would u recommend i go to these classes... a couple of people i know didn't bother and they are coping well with their new LO's... ?
what do the classes usually involve?
i shows you birthing pain meds etc.. and how to deal with a newborn..
My DH is quite squemish.... passes out easily.. it doens't show u anything with blood and stuff does it?
I have heard that the NCT courses are much better and i have registered for one of them. They do charge you though and you do need to be booking now as they are so popular.

You need some kind of class to help you prepare.

I've not been offered any classes other than 1 Breastfeeding workshop, 1 Baby Basics workshop, and 1 Labour Workshop - all of which are run by community midwifes in our local SureStart centres, and I had to look into and book them myself as my midwife wasn't at all helpful! They were free though so that was good.

I would definately recommend taking up the offer of any classes offered to you - I wish I had had more classes available as I feel very unprepared, and if it wasn't for this forum, and the book I bought (Pregnancy Bible) I would have known even less.
i heard you learn some good breathing techniques that could be useful to you during labour so i would go
i didnt go with damon and i was fine during birth and after - i would have gone but i forgot to fill the form out :doh: :doh:
I didn't with my first birth, and I don't plan on going this time either!!!

I know they tell you how to breath etc, but when I went into labour I just went with what my body was telling me to do!!
They don't have the classes here, mind you I spoke to a good few women and they said that it wasn't worth the time. I was advised to take up swimming, it helps build all the right muscles and it also helps control your breathing.

I'm just gonna say fcuk it and hope for the best lol
Im not going this time, when it comes to labour your body knows exactly what to do!
I really like my NHS antenatal classes. They are run by my midwife and are very informal: she is basically answering our questions for an hour-hour and a half. Our hospital also organizes tour around maternity ward and I found that both useful and reassuring: now I know exactly where I am going, how delivery rooms look like, what is ward like...We talked to a woman who had just had a baby. Next week there will be a special session about feeding your baby. All in all, I find them useful.
I found the classes fairly useful last time round, but the main benefit for me, was meeting other local ladies who were in exactly the same position as me!

Invaluable. And..... we're all still friends now :D

Go for it :dance:
I'm intending to sign up for NCT classes and also to find out about antenatal yoga, which a friend recommended.

I've also been given 'The New Experience of Childbirth' by Sheila Kitzinger which itemises all sorts of useful breathing/relaxation exercises to prepare you for labour. It was given to me by a doula, so I can only presume it's good advice! I've found it a wonderful read so far and am going to get my fella to read it after me as it gives lots of tips for the labour partner too.

But I have no clue if they will be helpful or not, as this is our first baby and everyone tells you to expect different things.
antenatal classes are sooo not just about breathing!

I've got my last NCT one tonight and they're very helpful. They go through all labour options, every type of pain relief, what to expect from your hospital, what to pack in your bag, how you will feel and cope after the birth, the different stages of labour and what happens in each. Postnatal depression, breastfeeding, etc, etc, etc!!

I had read a lot before going so I did know a lot but there were lots of people on my course that didn't know very much at all.

Whilst you will manage without going to classes, they are worth booking up.

We hardly do any breathing but we have discussed it.
If you are being offered free classes, then I don't understand why some people chose not to go - surely every little helps?? I am pregnant with our first baby, and our GP only offers one 4hr session so I have booked NCT classes. They get booked up very quickly - I contacted them when I was about 13 weeks. £120 for 8 classes - although this may differ in other areas.
X5OT said:
If you are being offered free classes, then I don't understand why some people chose not to go - surely every little helps??

In my friend's case, it was because they were only offered during the day and there were none in the evening. This meant her fella couldn't go with her and she wasn't prepared to go without him as she wanted him involved.

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