Antenatal Classes


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2006
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Who is going to go to antenatal classes??

How necessary are they??

Ive had so many hospital appointments on a weekly basis i'm worried about work. But it looks like i'll only be able to go to the first couple of classes i'm booked onto because i'm being induced slightly earlier.

Do you think its important to go to all of them?? I think there is a session of 4/5??
I went to NCT ones, but more to meet people who had similar ideas about parenting to me. I made some lovely friends there. I never really learned much more than what I had already gleamed from my reading or the forum.

I know other people have been to the NHS ante natal classes and said similar things, the forum and books are just as useful, if not more so. I don't think you need to go to all of them, you could go to the ones that you think would be more useful to you. The hospital tour might be handy if you're thinking of having baby at the hospital.
we went to one but OH didn't like it and I was't brave enoughto go back on my own :oops:

Wish I had though because the women in myclass were all there when we did our hospital tour an I felt a bit left out! :?
I found the breastfeeding and labour/pain relief ones good but skipped the rest.

I would have liked to have gone to the NCT ones but they are pricey and a 45 minute drive from us and I didn't feel up to that tbh. And also the people attending would have been from all over the place and chances are no one really local to me that it would have been worth keeping in touch with. Would have been nice to have met more likeminded people than I did at my NHS/MW classes though. No one else was wanting a homebirth and most of the women were 25 and under and I had nothing in common with any of them really. Nice people, just not a lot in common so didn't worry.
Ive skipped mine...the forum is my daily antenatal class :lol: I give OH an earbasing everyday too and at this rate he should be able to deliver a baby!
I went to 3 out of 4 of mine. I found them really good despite having done this before. Refreshed my memory, and some of the advice has changed over the last 5 years anyway.
I think the one about labour was good for OH as he missed the birth last time so it's all new to him.
I only missed the last one cos I was away that week.
I didn't learn things - like Tillytots says, PF is the best antenatal class :D I did like going to them though.

The two that I did find useful were the tour of the labour ward - which really put my mind at rest. Labour ward made it sound like we're all in a room together but it is a ward of single rooms. The breastfeeding class was fantastic too.

Check what pain relief is available if you can't go to that antenatal class. Here they don't offer pethidine, they give morphine instead as it has less side effects for mum and makes baby less sleepy.
i go to anti natal ive never been offered parent craft

firt one was a bit rubbish the lady who took it was well to be honset borning

the second one was fantastic and i enjoyed it as a diffrent lady this time she taking next weeks to.

its different every where some are good some are rubbish give yours ago and see if you like it if not just dont go to the rest if you do like it then cool

sarah :wave:
I went to NCT classes a while ago (I think a little early in terms of my due date). I thought the classes were really good and all ladies/couples were from a local area.

I found it useful to meet other pregnant women. We are still meeting once a week for lunch together and I feel that I have made friends. Everyone seems to be a bit older which is quite nice too (in fact I think I am one of the youngest at nearly 30).

It was good to learn about the different stages of labour, different positions for each stage, breathing methods and pain relief. There were loads of practical little tips too, such as leaving going to the hospital as late as possible.
Creeping over from 2nd tri here, but when I spoke to the midwife about our ones I was told they used to have about 4 short classes but now they are having 1 class that lasts the whole day. I think she said they do them every few months so ones could be there in their 1st 2months and that would be all they will be getting! I think I will forget it all :oops:

Ooooo thats just in this area though. I guess different places have them at different times
Im actually looking forward to mine...

Begin at the beginning of May..
I've booked classes for pain relief and breastfeeding, when I'm 36 weeks they're both on a Sat so OH can come too :D

I'm actually looking forward to it, hoping will leave me feeling relaxed and prepared.

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