Did you find antenatal classes useful?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Was wondering how useful you found your antenatal classes? My partner is not going with me . I booked a whole day session and I am going with a female friend. So wanted to know how good it is :)


I've been attending the NCT classes, and have to say I've found them fantastic. They are pretty informative and frank, which has helped me form a bit more of a realistic view of what to expect during labour (though I guess you can't really know until you go through it!) but it's been fantastic meeting other mums-to-be in our area, and it will be nice keeping in touch with them after the birth!

I have some NHS classes booked at the end of September, so don't know what they are like yet, but I'm looking forward to those too!

my midwife hasnt offered me any classes or extra things like that i was looking forward to going to a class but guess its a bit late now?
There are parent craft things on in this area. I'm supposed to go when I am 28 weeks pregnant (according to the literature), but my midwife has told me to go to the ones 4 weeks later :?
I think they teach you everything from breathing techniques to breastfeeding (or so I am expecting). I want DH to go with me, hopefully he'll be allowed.
I haven't been to any this time round, yet, but will be going.

Last time they were great, and the best thing I got out of it was loads of new friends, who I am still in touch with now, 4 years later.
my midwife hasnt offered me any classes or extra things like that i was looking forward to going to a class but guess its a bit late now?

Hi Zor-El

it's not too late - I don't start my NHS ones for another month and I'll be 36 weeks by then. It just depends on whether they can fit you onto one now. I would give your midwife a call and find out. It's pretty poor that they haven't even mentioned it to you.

Have you been given a tour around the hospital at least?

no but iam going i asked a midwife that i saw when mine was sick she phoned the hospital there and then and booked a tour for me i know its bad i was looking forward to going to a class of some sort :(
We're starting our classes this week as well, one every week until the 1st week of Oct. Am really looking forward b'coz we dont have any family support or any close friends in this country to guide us & we REALLY r depending on these classes to give us an insight into many things. Shall tell u how it went on Thursday.
I futuremum,
I have just finised my couse of 4 anti-natal classes, and to be honest I wondered how much new stuff they would tell me, as I have already done a lot of reading about the birth and stuff. However I found them really usefull for littel tips and things, like how its important, (even if you dont want to) to have a wee every couple of hours during labour, as if you have any liquid in your bladder it makes contractions more painfull! Also its really good if you can take whoever is going to be your birthing partner with you. As a lot of it is aimed at them and how they can help you. we all had our partners give us back massages in our class so they know what areas to fucus on to help, and also breathing techniques so they can coach us. when we may otherwise be panicking. I think a lot of partners dont really look into things much during pregnancy and dont really realise just hw much they can do to help, so this was the most usefull thing I found in the class. even the Breast feeding workshop, where they encouraged the partners to attend, so they could help and understand.
My husband and I took classes with our first son and we both found them really useful. I was less nervous because I new what types of thing to expect, I knew all my choices about pain relief, emergencies, etc., and if I had any questions about my pregnancy I was able to ask. My husband found the breathing techniques really worked for him during the delivery! lol :lol:

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