Like babyslog I also remember what it was like to be a ftm, it was only 16 months ago.
A fantastic book is First Time Parent by Lucy Atkins. I knew very little about babies and found it enormously helpful. I have a copy and would be very willing to post free of charge if you want it!
I fully understand your wife's nerves and worries, we've all been there and that's why we've each given you our personal advise.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that there are no obstetric doctors in the hospital the MLU is attached to. If that is in fact the case, then should your wife have any complications she will be blue lighted to the nearest hospital with obstetric doctors available. If she is that concerned, she is well within her rights to transfer to a different hospital in the Birmingham area, she does not HAVE to go to THAT hospital if she is so worried.