Antenatal Appt


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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I haven't heard anything about my first appointment yet, my doc said I'm between 6-10 weeks, but she thinks its nearer 6 weeks.

I'm just worried bc I've read that the nuchal fold scan shouldn't be done after 12 weeks? I'm also desperate for a scan to confirm that everythings ok as I had a strange bleed over a month ago (I didn't know I was pg then.)

Is there anything I can do in the mean time, anyone I could contact it? My doctor and the maternity aren't associated so I don't think that will do any good, and you need to wait at least a week for an appointment there anyways.

Thanks :)

Sarah xxxx
Are you sure you get the Nuchal fold scan in your area - not all places offer them as standard. The window for the measurement is between 11+4 and 13+6, and if you miss this then you can still have the blood test.

If you get the NF scan in your area, am sure they will try and book you in in time, perhaps try and get your midwife's tel number from the surgery and speak to her.

You could pay for a private early scan, and/or a NF scan.
If you've had some bleeding I would have thought your doc would refer you to the EPAU (Early pregnancy Assesment Unit) at the hospital for an early scan to check on everything. Maybe you could ask for this?

My Docs and hospital aren't associated but everything from my scan on Friday was copied and a copy given to me to take into my docs on my way home. Maybe ring your docs to see whether there's something you should be doing? I've been told the docs will arrange my antenatal appts. but that I have to ring the midwife myself. My doc also said if I wanted to book an appt. with her to run through everything that'd be fine so you could try that? It's a bit confusing to me as well..... :?
i don't know who my midwife is yet :roll:

the only time i've seen a health professional is when i went to the docs and told them i had a bfp.

the doc said i'll be able to speak to the midwife about various tests etc but i don't know when this is going to be. don't mean to be impatient but i thought they would at least get me down for an early scan bc of that bleed :( and bc we don't know the correct date..
Can't you just phone the surgery and ask for the midwife's phone number cos you need some advice? I'm sure they'd give it to you if you say you've already seen the dr and have been referred. Worth a try, surely..x
i could try, it's just bc i don't think over here we're assigned a midwife as such, i think we just see different ones if you know what i mean? if i phoned the maternity which dept would i ask to speak to?

all the doc said was that she'd refer me to the maternity for an appt :(

managed to contact the antenatal outpatients, they haven't had my doctor referral yet :wall: thats been 9 days.

they said they'll send me the 1st available appt as soon as they get it :roll:
Crikey the system there does sound very different. My experience so far has been nothing but positive.

Went to see doc on Mon 8th Oct re. bleeding. She did some tests and sent me for a scan on Fri 12th (suspected fibroids :wink: )

Fri 12th scan - 10wks+1 (I know my ticker's wrong but waiting for dating scan to correct it). Sent me back to docs with some forms in an envelope to add to my records. Docs gave me some pregnancy info and I filled lots of forms in. Told to arrange midwife myself so got number and told that docs would sort antenatal classes out. Super.

Rang midwife Mon 15th and got first appt. tomorrow :shock: If anything I still feel a bit shell-shocked about the whole thing and how quick it's moving... Maybe it depends on your area though as I'm sure not everyone's docs/hospital can be this efficient!
ahhh sounds so efficient :) lucky you :)

i'm trying so hard not to be impatient, it's just bc my doctor isn't going to be my point of contact through this, hence why it's all referred to the maternity. it was such a surprise when we found out i was pg, there's a couple of times already where i could have done with the support of a health professional, even for some reassurance.

hopefully things will get better, i've heard this maternity is good, but there is another smaller one closer to me which i may have to consider, it's early days though :)
I'm scotland too ;)

I had a doctors appointment a few weeks ago and there were forms to fill out. Then I have to wait up to 6 weeks for the midwife to call me. Nothing was said about the scan but I am hoping to hear soon but its not looking like I will find out b4 I move to the 2nd tri :(
it's awful isn't it bee :( which maternity are you using if you don't find me asking? i'm registered for the princess royal, glasgow at the moment.

If you are really unsure if the Nuchal is offered, I'd phone and ask the ante natal at whichever hospital you are registered with what they do. They will tell you if they offer it or not. You may find they only offer an amnio at 16 weeks.

If they don't offer a Nuchal then you'll have to go private for it. In which case check local Nuffield hospitals via their website. You can call the local Nuffield doctor direct (well the secretary) and make an appointment for a Nuchal, bloods and scan for somewhere between the dates. Its what I did for mine. We have an appointment next Monday and it'll cost £185 for the works. I've not been dated yet, but based on dates etc, I'm within the time frame so not worrying too much. The doc will date me then also.

Just have your dates for them when you book, and aim for somewhere in the middle to give you leeway each way.

And re the midwife at your local GP's, I just called and made an appointment with mine. I didn't wait for her to call me. Many places don't really expect to see you much before 12 weeks though anyways, so don't panic about it. But if you do want to see someone before hand, go see them :) Some local health authorities don't even seem to offer a 12 week scan, but skip to 20. Depends where you are. Most really don't seem to do much until into double digits week wise though. Before that it seems to be too early to put people on the record for some reason.

Good luck :)
thanks sherlock.

i'll look into having it done private :) might be the best option.

i think i'm nearer the 10 week mark tbh, my last AF was 8th aug, but i had an abnormal bleed 2 weeks later (may have been IB.) i just want a scan to confirm everthing and make sure the bleed was nothing bad too.

i'll see what date the appt is when it comes through, if it's a while away i'll probs go private for the nuchal.

thanks again xxxx
Sounds like you are sure of your dates which is good. Good thing with going private is that you can book at short notice also.

My friend (a GP) said to me when I had my spotting last week, 'Do you still feel pregnant?' and I do. So I've not worried about things too much. Plus a nice long chat with my GP about it put my mind at rest a little more. I am still peeing for England, have sore boobs and am constipated. Luckily my nausea was starting to pass anyways, and its much improved now. Try not to worry too much about your early bleed :hug:

I am a little confused though about your access to a MW via your local GP surgery. As I understood it, a MW is assigned to you from them and you can visit her there during your pregnancy. I'd phone and ask your GP surgery if they have a MW actually based there at least one morning/day a week, as she should be your first port of call for bloods etc and monitoring on a more local and personal basis. But maybe they don't do that north of the border :roll: Be good to find out though for you :)

I'm one of those super organised, ask all my questions and research like a mad thing kind of people, so I found out what was what within my first few weeks of discovering I was PG. My GP knows me of old so I don't think he was surprised when I pitched up with my little list of things I wanted/needed to know :lol: And the MW will get to know me :p I've already opted for my hospital of choice rather than the local one etc, and I'm one determind bunny when it comes to being given or finding information :roll: :lol:

I checked through my leaflet from the MW on screenings etc and found its also avialable online to read. Can check it out here

Click on A&N Publications and you can download what I am reading in PDF format. It's what they hand out in the Bounty packs at the MW appointment so should be of some use to you.

It'll give you a better idea of what you need to consider having done within what timescale :)
If you are really unsure if the Nuchal is offered, I'd phone and ask the ante natal at whichever hospital you are registered with what they do. They will tell you if they offer it or not. You may find they only offer an amnio at 16 weeks.

If they don't offer a Nuchal then you'll have to go private for it. In which case check local Nuffield hospitals via their website. You can call the local Nuffield doctor direct (well the secretary) and make an appointment for a Nuchal, bloods and scan for somewhere between the dates. Its what I did for mine. We have an appointment next Monday and it'll cost £185 for the works. I've not been dated yet, but based on dates etc, I'm within the time frame so not worrying too much. The doc will date me then also.

Just have your dates for them when you book, and aim for somewhere in the middle to give you leeway each way.

And re the midwife at your local GP's, I just called and made an appointment with mine. I didn't wait for her to call me. Many places don't really expect to see you much before 12 weeks though anyways, so don't panic about it. But if you do want to see someone before hand, go see them :) Some local health authorities don't even seem to offer a 12 week scan, but skip to 20. Depends where you are. Most really don't seem to do much until into double digits week wise though. Before that it seems to be too early to put people on the record for some reason.

Good luck :)
thanks sherlock.

i'll look into having it done private :) might be the best option.

i think i'm nearer the 10 week mark tbh, my last AF was 8th aug, but i had an abnormal bleed 2 weeks later (may have been IB.) i just want a scan to confirm everthing and make sure the bleed was nothing bad too.

i'll see what date the appt is when it comes through, if it's a while away i'll probs go private for the nuchal.

thanks again xxxx
Sounds like you are sure of your dates which is good. Good thing with going private is that you can book at short notice also.

My friend (a GP) said to me when I had my spotting last week, 'Do you still feel pregnant?' and I do. So I've not worried about things too much. Plus a nice long chat with my GP about it put my mind at rest a little more. I am still peeing for England, have sore boobs and am constipated. Luckily my nausea was starting to pass anyways, and its much improved now. Try not to worry too much about your early bleed :hug:

I am a little confused though about your access to a MW via your local GP surgery. As I understood it, a MW is assigned to you from them and you can visit her there during your pregnancy. I'd phone and ask your GP surgery if they have a MW actually based there at least one morning/day a week, as she should be your first port of call for bloods etc and monitoring on a more local and personal basis. But maybe they don't do that north of the border :roll: Be good to find out though for you :)

I'm one of those super organised, ask all my questions and research like a mad thing kind of people, so I found out what was what within my first few weeks of discovering I was PG. My GP knows me of old so I don't think he was surprised when I pitched up with my little list of things I wanted/needed to know :lol: And the MW will get to know me :p I've already opted for my hospital of choice rather than the local one etc, and I'm one determind bunny when it comes to being given or finding information :roll: :lol:

I checked through my leaflet from the MW on screenings etc and found its also avialable online to read. Can check it out here

Click on A&N Publications and you can download what I am reading in PDF format. It's what they hand out in the Bounty packs at the MW appointment so should be of some use to you.

It'll give you a better idea of what you need to consider having done within what timescale :)

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