Another silly question from Alice but please help!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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OK, so I'm always asking silly questions but I need help on this one!

Basically, I asked on here if I should do BD every day of the month to cover every possibility and most people said it was better to do BD every other day so as not to drain the fella's 'supplies'.

Well, I was due for ovulation yesterday but got a negative on the OPK. We did BD yesterday anyway though. Well, today, I just got a very strong positive on my OPK (the strongest I have ever seen) so I am wondering, should we do BD again tonight even tho we did it yesterday? Or is it OK to wait till tomorrow. I dont want to miss the O window but then again, I dont want to empty my OH's tanks completely!

Thanks ladies - I know I can rely on you all for some good advice! :hug:

Alice x

p.s. bought some magic medicine to try. I'm sure you all know what I'm on about. I took a swig and had to heave in the sink - it was vile! So thats outta the window now :puke:
I vote get bonking today & tomorrow :lol:

You still have a high chance from yesterday so what you doing on the PC? :lol:
LOL Wobbles you are sooo funny :rotfl: I had a feeling you would say that but you know me, I like to get myself in a stress over those bloody OPKs! I will pounce on the OH when he gets in. He's been taking zinc and folic acid so hopefully, his supplies will be OK!

OPKs drive me mad too. I gave up on them but as I had a few left & my chart doesn't want to play fair with me I've been using them & sent myself lala!!! :cheer:
i recommend trying a different make of the magic medicine as i swear this helped me and Bd tonight and tomorrow yes - go girl!! :dance:
I would go for it for sure.....................we BD every day for 3 weeks and we still managed to get PG!!! so 3 days on the trott I can't see will do you any harm! Go for it today & tomorrow! Good Luck xx
where do people get this magic medicine from?? does it have to contain somethin?
an yes def go for it
good luck
try reading this thread sophie ... php?t=3669

its basically the expectorants you can get sainsburys or asdas own brand for less than a £1 and it has the ingrediant guesifan (sp!) just make sure that the one you get has this as the only active ingrediant, it works to help produce more egg white CM then you already have around ovulation time to help the spermies on their way. good luck xx :pray:
oh yes i remember now! ill get myself some as im shopping tonight an give it ago when AF arrives!
i think you only need to take it 5days or so before ovulation and then you can stop taking it once you know you have ovulated, i had loads of CM with it, :oops: good luck sophie although i hope you don't need it and AF stays away xx
Hi Alice definitely BD tonight! Up to ovulation its good to BD every other day but it sounds like tonights the night :wink:

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