another question from newbie


May 19, 2011
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sorry if im annoying with all my questions.

Im not quiet sure when my ov days are, i have two diff apps on my phone and they tell me different days...

Af started today, could some work our when im ov'ing again.

Also my bro's wedding is the 25th, if i have a few drinkies that night would i be taking big risks? I sapose i could pretend to drink and that way no one would ask questions..
sorry if im annoying with all my questions.

Im not quiet sure when my ov days are, i have two diff apps on my phone and they tell me different days...

Af started today, could some work our when im ov'ing again.

Also my bro's wedding is the 25th, if i have a few drinkies that night would i be taking big risks? I sapose i could pretend to drink and that way no one would ask questions..

Hi, I'm new to all this but have you thought about OPKs and/or charting temps?
Hi Craftychel, you're not annoying with your questions, that's what this forum is for!

I would only take the apps as a guide. I'm on a 30 day cycle and this month was the first month I used clearblue digital ovulation tests and I tested from day 10, I ovulated (had smiley face on the test) on day 12 and 13. I'd always test from day ten then you have a great chance of learning when it is you ovulate.

Hope that helps!

hi there i always use opks to test when im ov as i wouldnt have a bloody clue without them lol xxx
I've got an app on my iphone called fmc. The fertile days it gives me are too early. I have a positive opk the day after their suggested fertile window finishes!

If you are pretty regular perhaps just try opks for a couple of months to check. Or, you could just bd every other day throughout your cycle?

Good luck.

ps I ask questions all the time, don't worry. The girls on here are happy to help each other. xxx
I use an iPhone app, only as a guide. I look at my cm, use cheapie opks and was temping too x
thanks guys, i have opk's but i wasnt sure when to start using them, but have a fair idea now... this is only my second month but i want to get a bit more serious as i cant handle the pain of the awful witch...


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