Another newbie question!!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hello ladies, hope you are all having a great bank holiday weekend so far! mine has consisted of cinema and nandos last night (yay!) and a day of cleaning the flat today (boo!)

anyways, ive been reading through the threads all week and really look forward to getting home from work and seeing what you have all been discussing, i love that everyone is in the same boat and not afraid about what to say - you're all great!

as a newbie i have another (silly) question!
..when do you all do your pregnancy tests?? i gather that some of you do it ahead of the first day of a missed AF? i have been buying the first response tests which enables you to test up to six days ahead of AF but they are expensive! at what point can i start using the normal tests??

Hiya,i used to test from 7dpo but if ur usin expensive tests then ur better waitin til 2 days b4 af at the earliest. If u plan to test early I'd suggest gettin some Internet cheapie tests. I used to get mine from smafertility. But I found them very faint til a week after af due xxx
I have bought some cheaper tests today but when i read the pack its says the first day of ur missed af.
I think it would be interesting and very useful to find out which test everyone uses and when.

Great thread idea positivity :) x x
I got mine off ebay, you can get 10-15 cheapies for about 2 quid - soooooo much cheaper than first responce etc - you can afford to test willy nilly if you get the urge!! :) xxx
thanks everyone, so you should expect to be able to see something as early as 7 days dpo?? im very knew to all of this and thought that you had to wait to the first day after your AF until i found the first response test £12 for 2!! so the tests you have from ebay...are they early detection tests or normal tests that you use early?? am i making sense lol! xx
I got a faint line at 8dpo on superdrug own brand (2 for £5) and then faint on boots own brand and bfp 10 dpo on digi xx
I think it really varies though from person to person too. I had some internet cheapies that were supposed to be quite sensitive (20 miu) and I got a BFN when I was 3 days late. I then waited a few days without testing and finally got my BFP when I was 6 days late. Personally having had that experience I wouldn't test until AF is late! x
The ones i have from ebay dont say they are early detection as such (thrown the packaging away now so cant really remember!!) but i know you are supposed to be able to test 6 days past conception - the tests work by picking up whether or not you have the hormone HCG in your system which i think can be present as early as 5 DPO so i dont know if there is actually much difference between the first responce ones and any normal test? xx
its not a silly question at all.......i was wondering how you know when to test - all the terminology on here loses me a bit, im sure ill get in to it but i wondered the same thing!

Ive read tons on cycles n ovulatoin etc etc but its all so knew you cant help but feel a bit daft!!!!
as i had only recently come across the first response early detection tests i didn't have a clue you could do it early - and also - it might be a bad thing to have asked because now i'll try even earlier lol! but..i had read so many threads where ladies had said they had a BFN/BFP but AF wasn't due yet so i was getting very confused!! xx
im going to try and leave it as late as possible to test this month!! xx
Reading some of the stories on here i think its best to try and hold off testing until after a missed af then before, i know its hard and sometime impossible to resist but if u test early and u are getting bfn its only going to get u stressed out x x
Depends much more on the hormone level than the test!! (ok, i maybe sounded a bit over sure there, but that's what the nurse said). Therefore some people show up early others dont. Obviously the really expensive tests are much more sensitive than the cheap ones, but if you are a POAS addict like a lot of us then you can't afford to keep peeing on expensive tests. I start testing at least 5 days beforehand, but never having gotten a bfp i dont know when they would actually show anything other than a bfn. But it does say it's unlikely to show until the first day you miss AF. I say get some cheapies and pee willy nilly!!
im gonna try hard to wait i think - but its unlikely i will be able to hold out as im one of those people who thinks i have every sign under the sun ahead of AF! xx
My first TTC cycle in July I tested early with the ebay cheapies,but also with superdrug tests that are similar to early response (I've also read on here that they are pretty good) I wasn't pregnant and this time I'm defo waiting till I'm at least 4 days late, if not longer. I know its really hard, I don't feel so obsessed about it this time, maybe because I don't have heaps of symptoms like I had last time which then ended up with no baby there but a cyst on each ovary.

Good luck! :)

x x xx
I used ebay cheapies.
Tested 4 days before AF was due got BFN.
So then tested day after AF was due and got BFP's they always seem to come up faint. Did a CBD next day and got BFP 4-5 weeks.
I still POAS with my cheap ebay tests and they are starting to get darker as the days go on.
I cant afford to keep buying firstresponse or clear blue so i bought 20 ebay cheapies for £3!!! :)
and a couple of digis for when i got my BFP.
As far as i'm aware the first response ones you can take 4 days before af is due. But personally i'd probably wait until you are 3/4 days late. GL. Hope you get your BFP soon. xx

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