Another Maternity leave question

ok so my holiday runs april to april so havent actully taken at AL Yet this year.
Im due to start 2 weeks AL on the 21st May for 2 weeks which is the 4th June and then my mat leave will start on the 4th June and im due on the 6th...cutting it fine i know but its the only way i could do it without losing money x
I'm taking leave for all of July and then maternity from the beginning of August (I'm due on the 15th).
I'm taking my mat leave from 29 weeks!! With 2 weeks holiday before so will finish at 27 weeks! I've taken the decision to finish early as I'm really suffering already with my hms and spd! I am on my feet for 8 hours a day! It's killing me! Got another 2 weeks off soon so only 8 working weeks left! Can't wait!
Thanks ladies,

You have given me a lot to think about.

I totally understand those of you that have decided to go early. Luckily I have a desk job and I am 2 stops on the train from work (with a 10 mintue walk to and from station each day) so I should *touch wood* be able to last the duration.

I think I'll stick to my original plan and of finishing at 37 weeks, taking two weeks leave and then maternity leave starting from week 39.

Of course we'll see how my health is and how bub is as well....

I am taking a lot for granted I know!

I've not made my mind up yet, but will probably take a couple of weeks holiday before EDD then start maternity the week of my EDD.

I will have stopped travelling to customer a month before, as I just won't be able to travel the distances any more. After that, I guess I can work from home if I feel like it.

I'm working on my boss to let me do some project work while on Maternity leave and pay me a lump sum before I go and a lump some when I return. There is tons of work that needs doing and I'll get seriously itchy feet sitting at home all day with a baby. I'm extra lucky as my parents live with me so I'll be able to get my mum to mind baby if I need to do some work.
I'm due on 1st Nov, finishing work on 12th October and using 2 weeks leave, so starting Mat Leave on 29th October - so long as everything is OK!

How does it work with your holiday if bub was to arrive say a week early?


To be honest I don't know - it's a strict rule of no carry overs, our hol period is April-Mar - I guess I'd probably lose it, but I don't want to risk starting Mat leave too early, I'm only having 6 months off then going back, all I'm getting is SMP and the drop in my wages is too much to stand for longer than 6 months.
I just hope I can fit behind the steerng wheel LOL

this is my concern as im a wee short arse but have always joked with a friend that he could be ma chaffeur when I get too big for behind the wheel lol xx
Hi, well I am due 25th of July and starting my official mat leave on the 15th of July. My holiday year runs April-march, so I have had some holidays but I am taking holidays and my last day of work will be 8th of June. I know if baby makes an appearance early mat leave kicks in, but I will still be owed those holidays and will take them at the other side. I plan to take 9months off, so would be returning to work in April, the new holiday year. Think working environment has alot to do with it, I work in retail so standing 9-6, and gets very busy. But one of my friends is due 3.5weeks before me is working up to 38weeks as she works for the nhs and is office based.
I'm 29weeks this week and am so looking forward to having some me time and get things done in the house before the wee yin arrives.

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