Another heavy bleed this morning :(

Thank goodness been waiting update, that's great news.

.........And relax! Xx
Oooo great news congrats hun. Take it easy now!!!!
That's amazing news so pleased for you. Rest as much as possible and hope it's gone by your next scan xxx
Yay!!!! So happy for u!!

Ill b deeing u in tri 2 may mums soon missy xxxx
Great news Lou, rest up and definitely take it easy xx
I'm group hopping but... Congratulations. Fab news. Bleeding is so scary. I bled on and off til 20 weeks. Totally relate to the stress and bleeding! Make sure your work do a really in depth risk assessment and don't be afraid to ask them for more if you still aren't happy
This is amazing news! Hooray! What a relief. Rest up xx
Brilliant news hunni xx rest as much as you possibly can xxx happy 12 weeks xx
So pleased for you chick! Just wanted to let you know I had a subchrionic hematoma in my second pregnancy and the bleeds were huge but all was fine and my daughter has just celebrated her first bday as a healthy little ball of chub. Just rest as much as you can and drink loads and loads of water as it really helps get rid of the blood clot - at one point I was drinking 1 US gallon of water a day. I found that after 13 weeks the bleeds still happened but they were more of a brown colour and the more water I drank the more brown blood there was but that was a good thing (although quite scary and upsetting to see) as it meant the blood clot was coming away (a bit like a scab on a cut healing) and making room for the growing placenta. By my 20 week scan I had stopped bleeding or spotting and there was no sign left of the bleed on the ultra sound. So it will all be ok and I'm so happy your baby is doing perfectly!xx
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Pleased to hear everything is ok!
I had a subchronic haematoma but no one gave me any advice, they just said we'll keep an eye on baby's growth, so I carried on as normal. Do not exert yourself physically, don't do anything your body is not used to doing. I had huge bleeds throughout my pregnancy and multiple reassurance scans/checks. I just wish a doctor/sonographer had told me to take it easy!x
Yay that's great news and ur right how can u not be stressed when pregnant and bleeding. Congrats hun take it easy xx
Thank you for the positive posts regarding my silly bleeding it is a worry but good to hear others have been through the same and babies have been unaffected x
Great news. You're really going through it. My goodness!!! take care feet up xxx
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