Another day another miscarriage


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Oct 11, 2013
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Well here i am again, i'm just in the stages of my 3rd miscarriage.
I think i knew all the time i was pregnant it would end like this. When you've had two previously you are bound to worry.
I started bleeding last week and had an emergency scan on Thursday. I would have been 10 weeks on Friday but instead i find out that the sac is empty. Unfortunately a term i am familliar with. I cried and i felt angry that i wasn't monitored throughout my pregnancy and that is why it wasn't picked up on sooner.
I then felt a strange feeling of relief, the worry throughout my pregnancy was hard to bear. Finding a definite answer to wether my pregnancy was viable was an answer i needed.

Why does it keep happening? A commonly asked question from all that you have to tell.

Everywhere you go there are happy families, pregnant ladies, ladies pushing prams. You watch tv and everyone is having babies, miscarriages and abortions.

But weirdly, i almost feel like I'm getting use to losing babies.

I haven't given up trying and hopefully i'll have more input from doctors and midwives next time.

Thinking of everyone else that is suffering from a mc x
Missy, I am so sorry that you have to go through it again. Can't you request tests from your gp as to why? If it happens once I would say bad luck, but 3 times in a row seems a little odd.
I had a late mc at 23+, 4 years ago and one last year in nov at 7 weeks so I know your heartache. I would really pressure my gp now that I want tests done.
Big hugs hun :hug: stay strong you will have a beautiful baby soon
Thanks, i cant imagine how difficult 23+ was for you x
I had some blood tests after my second miscarriage in October they all came back clear. So im not sure what the next steps are. Hopefully there are more tests and procedures so i get some answers.
I am coming round to the idea that i actually may never have a successful pregnancy and if this happens then my life will take an alternative route. Im finding this quite positive.
Im not giving hope i just like to be prepared for all eventualities.
Hi MissyD, I'm sorry that your are going through this again. I've had 2 MMC's at 11 weeks with a single baby and 10 weeks with twins. I know if I get a BFP again I will be thinking something will go wrong. I think it's a self preservation thing, once you have had a miscarriage you know the emotional pain it causes so we try to protect ourselves the next time, though it doesn't really make it any easier. I'm based in Ireland when we lost the twins my consultant offered to do all the recurrent MC tests as I was 41, all tests came back clear, so he said it was just bad luck. We are TTC again but I know the worry will be there, I've even thought that if we got pregnant this month the 10week mark would be around our Wedding Anniversary and I don't want to have to get another D&C (I know I shouldn't even be thinking that). But it's hard to keep the faith when the bubble has been burst in the past.

Despite my worries I do believe we will become Mums and for whatever reason our baby beans just weren't strong enough to make the journey to us, but hopefully we will be blessed with healthy babies in the near future.

Have they offered to check you and your OH for any obvious causes.

Take care and hugs xxx
When I lost my son at 23+ I was in disbelieve as he was ok at my 20week scan, shortly after that he mustve passed away. When I gave birth to him I was offered an autopsy even I was 2 days short of him being a stillborn. They still counted him as a mc :-(
it came back he had a heart deformation, something they shouldve picked up on at the scan.
When I finally fell pregnant again last year I was a nervous wreck and at 5.5 weeks I started bleeding. A couple of days later I was sent to a scan where everything looked well, a week later bleeding was worse and I went to another scan just for her to tell my baby has passed and is on its way out.
after that happend I was offered tests for myself and oh if it should happen again.
But it's all looking good now, I am 21 weeks now and am nervous as hell as my next scan it's not for another week.
Sorry for writing so much, but just wanted to show you that I had the offer but didn't need it and hopefully never do.
Speak to your gp maybe get a referral to a gynecologist that they test your eggs and maybe even OHs semen to see that they are all healthy.
Good luck ladies and thanks for sharing your stories with me.

I think i'll call the doctors tomorrow to book an appointment for the near future, i wont give up just yet x
Im sorry you have to go through this! I found one hard enough. I hope you get answers soon! Xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. Definitely go back to docs- I had tests done at my local hospital which all came back clear, but after my fourth I asked to be referred to a regional specialist centre - like St Mary's in London. They do the same tests, but have wider parameters- I'm now on the tablet trial and go to see the consultant tomorrow about the rest of the results.
Fingers crossed you get some answers and we both get a sticky one next time. X
Hi missy, I am so sorry for your loss!! I have had 8 mc's now and it really doesn't get any easier to handle!!

I would start hounding your GP for more tests now and not just blood tests!! I had tests done after my 3rd and it found out I have a blood clotting disorder so it's worth getting tests done!!

I hope you get some answers hon and I'm sorry again xx
Hi hun, sorry to hear about your losses. After 3 they should start offering you more support and do tests etc. I am on my 3rd pregnancy after 2 losses and it is a scary place to be! As hard as it is, even after 3 losses you still have more chance of having a healthy pregnancy next time than you do another loss. I'm sure one day you will get your little bundle of joy, it just sometimes takes a lot of heartache on the way :( xx
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Sorry for your losses. I've had 2 miscarriages had my daughter last year after 2 mcs I was tested everything came back normal but was advised take baby aspirin & prescribed progesterone. May be worth asking your gp or EPU if they could prescribe progesterone ( if they haven't sorry) my daughter is now 5 months. Xxxx
MissyD I am soo sorry to hear your news. I've had 7 mc's (6th was pul) and then my daughter was stillborn at 24weeks. If you've had 3 recurrent miscarriages then you are meant to be tested. I would ask, in fact demand, you be tested for: blood clotting disorders, chromosome comparability, progesterone levels, lh, esdrodoil levels and ask to be put onto cyclogest to support any further pregnancies.
I didn't demand at first I just asked and was fobed off and the tests I asked for (blood clotting) I was told I didn't need because I asked for them and 3 years later I got the test and I do have a blood clotting disorder and I've been out onto cyclogest as well. I'm now taking legal action against the hospital over it all! And my solicitor said if you want to be tested and ask to be tested the gps have a duty of care to oblige so I would demand to be tested and if alls fine then good and they've done a test to rule anything out but if something's picked up then you can get it sorted straight away before you have to go through heartbreak again xx
Just wanted to say how sorry I am you're going through this again!

I had 3 miscarriages from Oct 2012 to March 2013.....I had the first at 7+2weeks due to a subchorionic bleed, second was at 10 weeks - I never had a scan to know what happened,. third one was a chemical the month after the 10 week mc. docs didn't class my chemical as a third mc so wouldn't help - but I started taking even more folic acid on top of what was in my preg vits, extra vit D and also low dose aspirin daily! And in July 2013 I conceived again and gave birth to my daughter in March this year! I don't know if the extra vits and aspirin did anything, but she's now a healthy 9 week old baby. I never had any mc while trying for my son and first daughter! I am 35 now.

Don't give up hope - there are lots of ladies who have just given birth or are about to that were ttc with me and we all lost 3 or 4 babies before getting our rainbow babies.

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