Another C section question


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I have a c section on the 3rd sept because my baby is breech and obviously i'm bound to feel a bit nervous because I don't know what to expect. All I know is that I think I am going to opt for the spinal block but I just wondered if you could tell me about your whole experiance when you had a c section, from start to finish! Sorry lol but I want to make sure I know what lays ahead!
I had an emergency c-section after 20 hours of labour, Charlie turned in the birth canal and got stuck!
The spinal block really wasnt that bad although I wasnt nervous, just wanted my baby out at that stage, only thing I would suggest is that when your sat on the edge of the bed for the injection as them for a chair/step to rest your feet on so your legs arent dangling, was so much more comfortable when someone found me a stool.
My legs went numb first, sort of a cold feeling them by the time they lay me on the table I was completely numb and started making jokes when they said they were moving my legs and stuff....what legs? I couldnt feel a thing!
The aneathstist kept on eye on me at the top end and 2 surgeons worked on finding Charlie (he was stuck in the canal so came out feet first) but they let me know what was happening and everyone was relaxed and talked to me and OH who was white as a sheet! Charlie was delivered, a quick glimse cos they had to work on his as he was blue and floppy but recovered quite quickly and OH went off to spend time with him whilst they stictched me up and inserted a pessary painkiller (TMI but up the bottom dissolving painkiller)
Was stitched up, transferred to another trolley and taken to recovery where I got skin to skin contact with Charlie for over an hour before being taken to a side room on the ward for the night. Spinal wore off after about 3-4 hours and I was bed bound all night and the midwives came in every hour or so to hand me Charlie for more skin to skin and breastfeeding and to change him and make sure I was comfortable.
I was on morphine all night and had some hallucinations but ok.
Next morning was really hard, had to get out of bed with help, walk down the corridor to have a bath and OH had to help me in and out of the bath cos I was so scared and in pain but it was okay in the end and felt much better when up and about!!!
I wish they had put the surgical stockings/socks on me before surgery (although thinking about it there wasnt much time) cos my legs/feet were so swollen for a was awful cos I couldnt even wear my slippers.
Go with the flow, let the staff guide you and enjoy the time after and accept the help from the staff.
I think its very important to distinguish the enormous difference between an elective c-section and an emergency one.

Mine was emergency and was a very unpleasant experience for everyone.

My friend however had a planned c-section and said it was a lovely experience!

Try not to worry. :D
Hi Vicky,

Good luck with your section - so pleased you got a date sorted - not long to wait!

You might find it useful to have a browse through some birth stories in Announce Your New Arrival, you'll need to trawl through them but there's a few women who had elective sections in there telling their stories.

Valentine xxx
I will tell you about my 2nd section as this was planned, 1st was a emergency.

i like you was very very worried about mysection i was so scared about my spinal, anyway got to hospitla usual checks and spoke to doctors etc about what was going to happen, i also made it clear to the doc that i didnt want him to tell me he was starting :rotfl: . the woman doing my spinal came in and she was lovely i told her how scared i was and she put my mind at rest. Walked into theatre and sat on bed, was made to drink something which was awful :rotfl: then had to get into position on bed and she started and was brilliant she talked through everything regarding the spinal and i swear to god it never hurt at all just a little bit of pressure in the bottom of my back, i was then lying on the bed and they begun! but didnt tell me, i know they were doing something :rotfl: the whole time i was talking to my oh i could feel them in my tummy but it really just felt like the baby was going utter mental, u know one of those days :rotfl: . then doc said here ur baby comes and he held up Alastair so i could see the sex, midwife took him of doc and then i got to hold him straight away :D Alastair and paul were then takin out of room while i got stiched up, and within half an hour i was in my room holding my new baby and it was the most wonderful experince of my whole life, everyone was brilliant.

i really hope u have a experince like mine cos it was fantstic, please try not to worry :hug:
My sis had an emergency c section 10 weeks before me after she went into labour @ 34 weeks, it was awful, and she had complications afterwards.......

I was induced @ 11 days overdue and after 36 hours they decided the induction had failed, I hadnt progressed past 2.5cm and they were taking me for a first feeling was pure terror, then relief I was finally meeting my baby!!!

I can honestly say it was the most wonderul experience, and I have nothing but positive memories of the whole thing.....everyone came into the labour ward to introduce themselves, explain procedures etc. I told them how nervous I was due to my sisters birth 10 weeks earlier. They were so reassuring. I was wheeled to theatre, and OH taken off to wait while I was given epidural midwife stayed with me the whole time explaining everything to me. The epidural was uncomfy, had to sit dead still, and it stung, and I hated the feeling when my body went numb...I started shaking violently which was a common thing with epi, but it soon calmed down. Everyone was talking to me, and there was a really happy, exciting atmosphere....OH was brought in and at next to me all gowned up...she was white as a sheet (he is terrified of hospitals)..I asked midwife when they would be starting as I could feel some movement round my tummy...she said "Its done, your baby is narly here.." I felt a washig up sensation in my tummy, then I actually felt her being lifted from me which was so AMAZING!!!! She cried straight away, and I was bawling my eyes out!!!! OH looked to see sex (it was a surprise), and he burst into tears!!! The porters has a CD ready and played "Shes a lady-Tom JOnes" while they weighed her, and then she was brought to me while I kissed her, then OH cuddled her. Midwife took camera and got tons of lovely piccie for us which I cherish now.

I went into recovery for an hour where i got my first skin to skin cuddle, then they sent OH out for an hour while they checked me over-he went and rang family. After that I was transferred to ward, and OH was sent home (it was midnight)...I couldnt do much in night, so the midwives looked after Ruby, by 6am next day I was up and sitting in chair, had shower and felt ok by the afternoon.

Was in hozzie for another 4 days, and was in pain-mke sure you regularly take painkillers as it really helps and dont do too much....I got a nasty infection in my scar a week later but I think I might of done too much, I was out with the pram the day we came home :oops:

Hope you have a lovely experience too :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry for long post :oops:

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