Annoying mother!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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My mum is jarring me at this minute as I'm being real and honest with myself in terms of my up n coming induction.

My mum thinks my attitude is very blazé. As I said weather I go into labour naturally or I'm induced it's gonna hurt. If I'm induced it's prob gonna hurt alot more. Im goin by the pain I heard a lady in, my friend who had one n what I'm told here.
Pain is pain. There are different levels of pain n I don't know how painful my labour will be.

All I know he has to come out somehow n it's go na be painful. End of.
Yet she is getting moody cos I am being real with it. I'm not lying to myself n I'm not getting myself scared as I have no idea what to expect.

I don't feel I am wrong in my attitude towards it all. One persons labour isn't the same as another persons so all I can do is hope I go into labour naturally. If not, it's an induction, if that fails I get a C-section. Long winded but all I hope is that it goes well n my son is born healthy n I come out ok. Nothing else matters.
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I think you are completely right hun - of course you don't know how painful your labour will be. Also, each lady experiences labour differently, plus different women can tolerate more pain than others. Your Mum is perhaps trying to play labour down so you don't get anxious.

My Mother on the other hand has yet to ask me how I am feeling about the labour - whether this is her way of playing it down so as not to bring out any anxieties - I don't know.

My Mother has annoyed me greatly throughout my pregnancy - not that I would ever tell her this as she would be hurt I imagine. But i've felt that all she is talking about is her grandson (it's her first grandchild) and i've been rather hurt by any comment I have made about any pain, niggle or general pregnancy symptom (nausea, cramp, heartburn etc) is just dismissed and the tables turned to when she had me, and how much more worse hers was etc. To the point where I have just stopped telling her things, because it turns into an hour of her experiences.

She has been good in other ways though, buying gifts for the baby, to which we are grateful - but we did have to tell her a few months back to stop buying things because there are things me and hubby wanted to buy as Parents for our Son.

Keep your chin up regarding your Mum hun - with gritted teeth learn to smile, nod and agree then just go your own sweet way!

Mother's eh, who'd have em!!!!! :rotfl:
Hey, just thought I would add, my mum had always driven me mad - even more so now im pregnant!
She is a very fussy, flappy person (she IS Jean, off eastenders, lol), whereas I am a calm, more in control, deal with the consequences as and when. So I can feel where you are coming from!

I live 200 miles away from my mum, and I limit our phonecalls to once a week (ha, god I sound like a bitch!), but she makes my blood pressure rise, and I cant cope!

You have the perfect outlook anyway - what will be will be, yes it will blimmin hurt, but it will all be worth it in the end, as long as everyone is healthy. Im not going to tell my mum when im in labour - purely as I wouldnt be able to deal with her!
Haha you'll both be just as annoying one day lol
I hope I don't lol
My mum thinks I'm a meany n lack emotions as I don't cry as much as she does etc lol
i think you have the perfect attitude and keep that attitude you will fair better for it :) not too long to go now either till you get to meet him
Not long at all but for some reason it feels like the days are going super slow :/
I wish I could just fast forward to the 18th. All the sweet talking I'm doing to my bump ain't gonna make him move out lol
I think you've got a great attitude! Of course its gonna hurt either way so no point worrying. I was the same with my first and honestly I was induced and yes it did hurt but I cant imagine it would of been any better natural. I didnt have a bad labour at all and was only in established labour for 3 hours, which for a first is good. You hear a lot of horror stories about inductions but a I know lots of people who have been induced and had fine labours. I think wither way as long as you have a god attitude and try to relax no matter how long or painful it is.. you will get through it and you will have your baby :D good luck! hope the sweet talking works and baby decides to make an appearance itself :D
Glad to see my so-called "blazé" attitude seems to be a step in the right direction.
I can't worry about something I have no clue about, cannot prevent n will be painful no matter what
Glad to see my so-called "blazé" attitude seems to be a step in the right direction.
I can't worry about something I have no clue about, cannot prevent n will be painful no matter what

Couldn't agree more!

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