annoyed with my husband.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
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im nearly 37 weeks, i had scan a few days ago, baby is wedged in my pelvis, everything is looking good and ready to come whenever labour starts. all good.

but... ive decided to see if i can help my labour to start with gentle jumping on trampoline,raspberry leaf tabs, and i just brought some clary sage stuff with oil.... he has banned me from using it!

apparently im just being stupid and the baby with come when it wants to so i should just leave alone. he said im not allowed to use the clary sage as i mite hurt baby and im being crazy!!....

well is he pregnant? no he isnt so its really easy for him to sit on the sofa all comfortable and chilled out.

why cant he be understanding, its not like im doing anything really bad its only herbs and potions. :slap::poke::evil:
eeeekkk, i'm with your hubby. You've waited 37 weeks, not long to go now! I'd personally let baby come when he or she is ready. sorry xxx
I agree with jules, leave well alone, baby will come when it's ready and 37 weeks is a little early to start trying things IMO x
Hey Hun , your baby will come when he or she is ready and not before then . I would make the most of relaxing and getting sleep while you can . Xxxx
Agree with the other ladies..
And raspberry leaf tea won't bring on labour x
Yeah I don't think mcdonald#s shakes or chilli sauce really work it's all about Biology :)
Some ladies aren't ready til 42 weeks are they, because of cycle length, so 37 weeks is 5 weeks early for some isn't it? I've always gone 14 days over x
thanks for your feed back girls.. this is my 3rd baby so im hoping that my body knows what to do. also when my cervix was check the consultant said its not closed but im not in labour yet which made me think that is mite be kinda ready otherwise surely my cervix would be properly shut and tucked away?.. im so glad this is my last baby. im inpatient to meet this new being if grown from a tiny little egg.
Cosmic... Forgive the stupid question, Has it got much to do with our cycles then? I used to be a really short cycle
Well for me I always have really long wacky cycles, I ov late and when I've had my scans they have been 13 days different between them. So I fully expect to go over, taking into account my wacky cycles. They give you an edd based on your lmp and very variable measurements. So not suprising that some ladies go over x
You're right mrswarner, it is all herbs and potions, the chances of any of them working are slim to none, but if that's what makes you cope a little bit better then I say go for it!
The raspberry leaf is something your hubby can read up on, it's really good for preparing the uterus for labour and beyond, while not actually in any way inducing labour.

If any of it makes you feel better about the aches and pains of these final stages, I say go for it. Baby will come when baby is ready, doesn't mean you have to feel like you're sitting doing nothing xx
Might seem hard, but you can do it! Think of it this way - right now is the time to enjoy your hobbies. You won't have the time or energy after your baby's born!
I really would just wait till lo is ready. I tried everything going and thank god it didnt work . My little man was 11 days late and only weighed 6lb 12oz. If he had been that early he would have been ridiculously tiny lol xxx
RLT wont bring your baby anyways, and i was 5 days late and i tried the norm, sex,curry etc nothing worked, babies are meant to be in there till 40 weeks, they need to grow and will com when they are healty and ready, i was crazy uncomfy but even 5 days late my baby was only 6lb5oz they need all the time they can in there x
Just remember, as hard as it is, you can't rush perfection x
its up to you hunni, i wanted baby come since i was 35 weeks and tried everything apart from cod liver oil thats just gross. but in the end i had to be induced on my due date due to low AF. and my son was born the next day weighting in at 8lb bang on. do whats best for you just make sure its the right thing and be prepared in case you do go into labour if your not ready then don't try it hunni. hope its all ok. x x x
I used clary sage in aqueous cream rubbed into bump the night before R made his appearance, but I'm not saying that started it..

Oh and he is fine by the way x x x
Also if you bounce on a trampoline you might bounce baby out of your pelvis so be careful x x

The midwife at hospital told me that by the way when I said I was considering a trampoline :)
Also if you bounce on a trampoline you might bounce baby out of your pelvis so be careful x x

The midwife at hospital told me that by the way when I said I was considering a trampoline :)

Or more likely for me (being as clumsy as I am) I'd bounce right off the trampoline!! I think that would be considered an extreme sport for me just now :p xx

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