She's understandably really excited about Evie's arrival, but she's winding me up with her comments... I've told her how I feel under pressure, and still it doesn't register with her to just leave me to do my thing!
Every time I stop what I'm doing I get "you alright? You getting pains?" "Does she feel engaged yet?" "Got any more BH?"
Anyway, she came home from work at 3:45pm (it's now 4:17pm) so in the last 30 minutes I've had;
I was in the bath, came downstairs and Mum said "you rarely have a bath this late in the day! I thought 'ooooh maybe she's getting pains and had a bath' ha!" Then "well, any time between now & Tuesday is fine with me! I've done the wages at work today so bear that in mind" with a little wink

Then she said "I always thought you'd be early, but now you're almost at your due date I expect she'll be late"
And I just get random comments like "you know what'll get things started - Caster oil! Do some Dan! Go on!" - And stuff like "night Dan, sleep well, actually, don't sleep well! I'm wishing labour on you!" And "Have you been on your ball today?" As if I'm still at school & getting asked if I've done my homework

It's CONSTANT comments like this, & it's doing my head in! I'm not even overdue yet!! And even if I do go overdue which is very likely - Leave me alone!!
I feel like everyone's putting pressure on me

Yesterday, she asked me to call her after my MW appointment, I told her how things went and said I was a bit disappointed but there's not a lot I can do. She said "did you ask about the caster oil?" I said the MW doesn't agree with it (I don't know if she does or not, it was to get her off my back) and just said that she told me your cervix has to be "favourable" - which I think is actually true, then she comes back with "well it might be!"