Angry & Scared..


New Member
Jan 28, 2010
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So, this might be a post and a half so id get comfortable lol.

I thought id best write this while the boyfriend is no where in sight, Okay so as everyone knows its a Friday night. Apart from once again ill be spending it alone with two screaming children, as Other half insisted he go out and have a few pints with his mates, and i understand that..Everyone needs a break thesedays.

I haven't had a break for the last 1 year and two months raising his two children. We've been together for 5 years, we've been going out since we we're both 15, and by this rate i dont think we're gonna see the 6th year in.

And, i know this is gonna sound really bad thinking this..But i dont think he wants to be with me all that much thesedays, we've been fighting more than ever thesedays and it really gets me down..Im just so tired with my youngest being 2 months and waking in the night..I mean both children are in bed now and ive just been sat here on my own crying..I dont know where to turn in my relationship with him anymore, Its like he prefers his mates company over that of his girlfriend and two kids..

What should i do?, knowing him he'll be too drunk to talk reasonably tonight..I just want to get across how fed up i am of coming second best to beer and mates, and that i just want a break from motherhood to get away from the stress and the arguements..I just dont know what to do :(
hey hun, so sorry to hear you alone tonight :( could you not maybe get a friend to come to yours while he's out? or maybe a family member?

it's a shame that he prefers to go out a lot these days but maybe he's going through a rough patch, or maybe he doesn't even know you're annoyed? are you the kinda girl to let him know kinda thing? 'cause i know with my bf i'd be like ' YOU'RE STAYING IN NOW :mad:' lol! you sound a lot more rational than me so i propose maybe tomorrow you should have a talk with him at some point? i know it might be hard with two crazy kids but just try to keep them occupied and talk in the same room as them.. but make sure you don't argue or that might upset them! and hopefully after you had a talk about some of the issues you have things may get better. it sounds lovely you been together since 15, a true love story!

also maybe if he wants a few pints with his mates one night, you should say ok, but i want a few girly drinks with my mate one night.. as the workload has to be shared otherwise one of you is bound to get upset/stressed.

anyway i'm here to tak to you anytime and i'm sure others are too! i don't have many friends but i have a really anti social job working from home at the min that'sd why.. lol.

hope you feel better babes and that i helped a bit :) while he's out put a girly film on and eat chocs :D

btw, don't mean to sound patronising!! :D just helpful hopefully lol. i'm a bit airheaded! lol xx
Have you tried actually sitting him down, and calmly talking to him about this?

I agree that everyone needs downtime, but this includes you too! You need a break just as much as he does.

Speak to him, and see if he will agree to you both having a couples night once a week, and you having a night to yourself once a week. Whether thats drinks with the girls, going to the gym, cinema or just having a bath with a good book.

You never know, but he might be feeling te same as you and just using going to the pub with his mates as the only way he knows how to escape. He might be really wishing that you were closer, and spending more time together.

:hug: hope you feel better soon xx

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