What to do about him??


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Hi, my pregnancy was unplanned and i'd only been with the father for two months, when i first told him he wanted abortion but then came to decide he wanted the baby and was actually quite excited, now, two weeks later, hes totally ignored me for 4 days and last time i spoke to hims said he was confused, i dont think i can be with someone who yoyo's so much with his feeling about me and the baby. I work with him and i'll se him tomorrow in work, i'm pretty sure he wont ring tonight either so it'll be the first time in 6 dyas we've seen each other, usually he appologises and says hes been a **** and will i forgive him. now i've got my baby to think about i dont know if i can take the stress of not bieng sure what hes going to do. i want him to tell me whether he wants to be with me, just be there for his baby or not be here at all. i dont care what it is but i need to know. i also want my baby to have his father but i dont wanna be with him jsut for that, he's very much a lad and i dont know if he can ahndle a child. having said that my ex and best friend has said he will be here every step of the way with me and has said we can move in with him as friends and he will help bring up the baby. i know i cna rely upon this man and he would give me and the baby everything, but is that really a good reason to move in with him, even if we arnt together. i dont know what to do :(
Clare xx
i dont reali no what to say hun but firstly have a :hug:
i think you just need to sit down with your OH and decide whats going 2 be best for you and the baby and go from there, but bringing a baby in to the world with a father who wants him/her 1 minute then p****s of thr next minute aint realli the way to go about it.
hope you sort things chick
x sophie x
hunni. reading what u were just talking about brought a little dasha vu (cant spell) on my part.
my ex did the except same thing. when i told him he told me not to get rid because ill be a murderer, he then promised me hed make sure everything between us would be ok. he then dumped me when i was 11 wks gone and he told me his mate had told him he only had 6months left which frightend the shit out of him. After all seen me for being 20 mins in the last 4 weeks before the split ne ways. he still said he wanted to be involved with everything n i told him the scan date. and he then told me he had forgotton and was going out to play pool insted when i reminded him in the morning.
im just thinking we r both better off without these guys in our life. :D u r strong hun we need to think whats best for our babies atm. and i no that minus one prick in my life will be so much beniefical in the long run!
Well after what cant even be described as a conversation with him yesterday, which i had to have in work because he wouldnt talk anywhere else, i've told him i'll let him know my scan dates etc but if he doesnt reply i'll just assume he wants nothing to do with us and leave him to it. He was so rude i asked if we were over he snapped back a dont know and asked if he wanted to be there for baby and he said yes as he walked away from me, made me so angry i went home in cried, but i knew in a way it's releif because now i know that he doesnt really want to be envolved and i can plan my life and my babies life without him. I do however still ahve the tricky task of his parents, if he doesnt tell them soon then i will have to, his mum knows my mum and theres no way she wouldnt find out anyway, she also so sweet she deserves to know she has a grandchild, even if her son doesnt want to play a part.
i feel so much stronger today, i was worriedthe stress of him would harm the baby
Clare xxx

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