Angry baby!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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So lately S keeps getting really angry, I know it sounds silly but it is the only way i can discribe it!

All she seems to do all day is pull peoples hair, Really Hard! She has started to hit people in the face when they try to kiss her and all sorts. I just don't know where she's got it from.

When do they learn about being gentle? My friend is due to have a baby soon and i'm to scared to have her around a newborn!
I can't see tickers how old?

I was wondering about the gentle thing as Tyler loves pulling

Emily will pull and tug at anything that is close. She also pinches and scratches. I don't think she is angry - just exploring her surroundings and using her body in new ways. Your LO is a bit older though, so I'm not sure about when they learn about being gentle.
I can't see tickers how old?

I was wondering about the gentle thing as Tyler loves pulling

She has just turned 10 months. I think they all go through a phase i was just wondering when it ends and how do you help it to.

My hair is coming out in handfulls now :(
I remember my mum used to hold my brothers hand on my hair and stroke mr with it saying gentle at him. Don't know how old he was but he was a baby. Dunno if that would help?

i've tried doing this with different teddies, people, all sorts. She just throws the teddies and hits or scratches the people!

I really appreciate your replies!
That's not anger hun its exploration now would be a good age to do as pinkys mum did with her brother slow learning I would call it but you have to be consistent

She has always been so switched on. Shes practically walking already.

I guess they learn different things at different times though don't they.

I shall persist with this one.

Thanks for your replies
possibly, She keeps getting mad at the dog, When she pants at him and he doesn't do it back.
They start testing boundaries pretty early, but it's also them seeing the reactions to their actions if that makes sense. If she throws the teddy then she gets no reaction but if she pulls hair or hits out at people then she does. My youngest nephew was awful for it but he soon learned that the things he did weren't always met with praise. We really exaggerated the praise when he was gentle and told him no and put him down or ignored him for a few minutes when he was rough
Interesting thread! Makes sense she's frustrated if she's clever. The dog think made me lol :)

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