

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls, Im beginning to suspect I may be anemic. I have had a few signs of it and Im currently waiting on some blood results frim the dr. I don't eat red meat but I do eat fish. Im taking folic acid tablets and I am eating healthier than I ever have before.

Only thing is a number if websites I have looked at have said a sign is heavy periods where as I haven't had one since 9th of May. I could be barking up the wrong tree but has anyone had any experience if being anemic and could it effect my ttc journey. I have had a natural mc as well, could that have effected anything?

I realise nobody is going to be able to confirm and I do need to wait for my results but would be good to hear if anyone knows anything about it as the girls on here have been more helpful at times than the dr!
I am anemic and more than anything it just makes me crazy fatigued all of the time. I have a little girl and was anemic when I concieved here so not sure whether it affects TTC - Im TTC atm so may be able to give you more info soon - well hopefuly good news! Lack of iron also gives myu skin an olivy appearance which isnt too bad. I cant take the iron tables as TMI they cause me not to be able to go....... so I take something called FLORADIX which perks me up quite nicely! xxxx
What about taking an iron suppliment hun? sorry have no idea about iron and TTC. Do you have any other signs of being anemic
Shortness of breath
Coldness in the hands and feet
Pale skin
Chest pain

I think heavy periods can maybe cause anemia, i guess the only way to know is to wait for blood results.

When do you get them?
Thanks Daph! Good to know someone else has had it.

Nurse Ihave been dizzy and tired lately and have kind of had a racey feeling in my chest at times. Have lots of broken and dry hair so much my haidresser commented the other day on it. Also the beds of my nails have turned white recently which is what I googled. Im getting my results on Tues so ill know by then Im just self diagnosing which I know is wrong but was thinking a lot of the symptoms I had read on anemia were there. I know I just need to wait! Stop googling and find out then.
Yep, if you are you will be prescribed iron tablets so easily fixed and will make you feel better :)
Hi hun

I was severly aneamic and was prescribed a high dose of iron tablets - they make your poo black :shock:

Since being on them I don't feel as tired and I have lost 6lb (in a week!).

If you do have heavy periods, it's worth taking them
I anemic when pregnant with my after and after she was concieved and yes it made me so fatigue. I alway got anemic from having long af some years ago. Whereby I was bleeding all the time with only a 2 to 3 dats break a month. So I suppose prolonged heavy periods could put one at risk of becoming anemic. Sorry not much help for you but at least you've had you blood test done. Good luck x
I'm waiting on my blood results from the GP. They said I was anaemic but waiting on results to see how bad it is :(
I have tiredness, dizziness, headaches. I was wondering if it could be effecting my cycles as they are super long atm. x
I've been anaemic several times and although it's easily fixed now because I eat meat again, when I was vegetarian I had a hell of a time. There are a number of vegetables though that are high in iron apparently, pretty sure broccoli is one of them.
I was badly anaemic when I was 16 and vegetarian, which is why I ended up being a meaty person again! I really feel the effects now if I don't eat meat for a while, I'm on honeymoon just now in Italy and been eating nothing but tomato pasta all week and man I've been dizzy and headaches and tired all the time. Not easy in 30+ degree heat!! So we sought out a Hard Rock Cafe today and I had thee biggest steak I've had in years, perfecto!!

Sorry can't help with anemia and ttc, only just started ttcing last month (and now hoping for honeymoon baby this cycle!!), but I do know that it's a pain being vegetarian and anaemic.

The alternative to iron tablets sounds good though (can't remember who it was that suggested it) - my doctor is useless at these things so usually have to find out for myself.

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