~AND THE WINNER IS.........**~~~~


congratulations greendayrock!!!!

Well done Greendayrock

sorry Budge, how long did the bog roll last?
Congratulations greendayrock - make sure you post the pics for us when they're done! :cheer: :cheer:
tracyM said:
Well done Greendayrock

sorry Budge, how long did the bog roll last?

not long i got the shits that night and needed it. it was quite ironic really.
CONGRATULATIONS Greendayrock :cheer: :cheer:

Make sure you post your piccies :cheer:
Congrats GDR...I am not jealous....much!!!

Cant wait to see the piccies xx
What a wonderful prize to win.
congratulations, enjoy it :clap:
nathanmum said:
:cry: i really wanted to win
congratulations enjoy your prize :cheer:
Me too :cry: i even came on the forum last night from my mobile phone to see if i won!!! :cry: :cry:

LOL congrats darlin - make sure you post piccis! :cheer:
You guys could always save up and buy a photoshoot yourselves, he's very reasonable, you know ;)
wow all i can say is OMG i never expected that, thanks all. i will post the piccies. what do i do know :dance:
greendayrock said:
wow all i can say is OMG i never expected that, thanks all. i will post the piccies. what do i do know :dance:

I will pass your number on to him if thats OK and he'll call you to arrange a day and time :D:D:D
Massive congratulations Greendayrock.....can't wait to see the piccies..xxx

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