

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Well I haven't necesarily had "anal sex" but OH put one finger up my bum during sex and I was just wondering is it safe during pregnancy or not?

Please dont laugh at me it took me alot of guts to write this on here:cry:
Im sure it is safe during pregnancy huni and no one is laughing at you hun so stop worrying :hugs:
if you have a problem wit that part an dont think its right then i wouldnt do it but if it hasnt affected you before then try not to worry because i dont think it will affect in ur pregnancy xx
Thankyou :)
& I have never done it before during pregnancy tbh that is the first time I have ever let him do it and I am glad I let him do it feels so much better than the front lol ..
but anyway I am scared now that I am going to mc , I dont know why because If constipation dosent harm you then why would anal , I will ask my MW when she comes , she aint due to come till about the begining of may or so :( I have tried looking on the internet and Its just stupid 15 year olds asking if its safe to put sharpie pen lids up their bum
Thankyou :)
& I have never done it before during pregnancy tbh that is the first time I have ever let him do it and I am glad I let him do it feels so much better than the front lol ..
but anyway I am scared now that I am going to mc , I dont know why because If constipation dosent harm you then why would anal , I will ask my MW when she comes , she aint due to come till about the begining of may or so :( I have tried looking on the internet and Its just stupid 15 year olds asking if its safe to put sharpie pen lids up their bum

I dont really like the idea of the finger up me bum part because anything to do with sexual stuff i end up bein scared incase i mc again i think thats why i dont want to be intimate sometimes. The finger wont make you constipated at all so dont worry bout that :).
Dont read on the internet ya get silly gits on there that aint serious. hope u get more luck as my comments are usless sorry hun lol. hope ive stopped u worrying abit though xx
Your comments are not useless atall :D you have helped me quite alot in my time on PF :D so thanks for everything xx
It's fine, nothing will happen hun don't worry :)
Remember not to panic though although if any questions you seem down or not sure try on here first an if not many comment or not that helpful to you theres ya midwife. i look for ansers on here because i dont see my mw that much lol. If theres anything else hun were hear for you, no one will laugh at you remember that :) xx
Thanks Tonks & Scaredmum2be , Need to learn all your namess :(
Ohh I thought it would be unsafe !! thanks for the info ;) xx

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