An Annoying Friend ~ Abit Of A Rant!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Does anybody else have a really annoying friend? I'll explain what i mean:
First off alot of people who have met my friend dont like her from the moment they meet her as She always finds it her job to be in charge of things that just arent her business and shes driving me crazy!

For instance i just got a txt asking me if ive been to the citizens advice which i said no not yet and she replied saying 'you need to get in there quick as you want your baby to have a home' :wall: she doesnt ever listen i swear! My parents have said me and my OH can stay living with them for aslong as we need to as we really cant afford to move out especially as my OH hates his job and is thinking of finding a new 1, i was going to go to the citizens advice to find out what benefits i have to change to and when but wasnt going to ask about moving out which ive told her before so why is she asking!

Ive got 2 other friends who are also pregnant (both due in july) and they also find the next thing weird and abit overbearing! My best friend is doing is this weird thing where she keeps saying she's going to be 'Aunt Kate 3 times over' with all these babies... umm i dont think so everytime she says this we all go silent and avoid eye contact with her, its because its not in a fun way like aww just think i can be Aunt to all the babies, its more like she says 'I AM GOING TO BE AUNT KATE and im gonna babysit all the time and just think in the week i can see 1 baby 1 night then another the next as soon as their born!' etc etc...

Also she asked me the other week if she could babysit for my baby as my other pregnant friends have said yes to her (i think probably from pressure!) i said i didnt know as how am i ment to know how i'll feel about that sort of thing yet, so she said oh i know but its just the others have said i can so i thought you'd say yes so have a think about it and let me know!?!!

*End of rant* Ah sorry i just had to get that out, but am i being stupid getting wound up by these things or is she out of place saying them?? Any responses will be appreciated as lately i find myself getting easily annoyed with her and want to know if im just being hormonal/ moody! x
oooooh yes! The friend I was ranting about in another post is a lot like this girl! I also have 2 other pregnant friends. One is 9 days overdue at the moment and the other is due in November and my ex friend kept saying to everyone 'I will be aunty!! I can babysit all your babies and you can all go back to work.' It is annoying so I can sympathise with how you feel to have such an overbearing friend! :hug:
She sounds like a caring friend, if your all pregnant and she is one that isn't maybe she is feeling a bit left out and just trying to be involved. Her calling about citizens advice is just showing she is thinking of you - I know friends can be over bearing at times but from sounds of it she means no harm :hug:
:hug: Its really nice to know im not in the wrong feeling that shes being abit overbearing then! But its actually a little scary to think theres more out there acting the same then xjoann lol.
And i can also see your point aswell sweetcheeks, she probably does feel abit left out so maybe i shouldnt let it bother me so much as theres a goodness behind it somewhere x
MissyRee said:
Also she asked me the other week if she could babysit for my baby as my other pregnant friends have said yes to her (i think probably from pressure!) i said i didnt know as how am i ment to know how i'll feel about that sort of thing yet, so she said oh i know but its just the others have said i can so i thought you'd say yes so have a think about it and let me know!?!!

I have a friend who TELLS me she will be babysitting the baby... She won't- I don't trust her to give back my clothes in one piece- let alone my baby! :rotfl:

Think the best thing is to just brush it off and when the baby comes you will probably find it much easier to tell people to give your baby back! I have very few friends I would trust to babysit because I am young and they wouldn't have a first clue!

Just come on here and rant... :lol:
Lol well i do feel better for my rant :lol: and knowing im not the only 1 with a friend acting similar is reassuring! x
I agree, I reckon it'll be much easier to say 'thanks for the babysitting offer but I like spending time getting to know my baby' :D

Unless of course you fancy a night out :lol:
Sounds as if she is worried that you all will group up and be mummys when she and is worried of loosing your friendship as you will all have something in common that she doesn't.

I would say you can come and visit as much as you like but your not even thinking about babysitters yet and you wont be for at least a year so you can get to know your LO.

I expect as soon as you have all had your babbys she will calm down alot when she realizes that you still want too know her. :hug:
Thanks for your reply guys, i think your right perhaps its abit of an insecurity thing and if she brings it up again i'll say about wanting to look after my LO myself but that its a nice gesture for her to have offered :D x
Ooh there seems to be a lot of annoying friends today! :hug:

Don't worry hun, some people don't know where to draw the line with being helpful - they can be more of a hinderance! You really don't need the stress of someone who isn't even involved in the situation putting pressure on you for something you already know!!

I have a similar friend, he's lovely and I know he's looking out for me, but he does come out with a few comments like "bet you wish you were TTC coz you got drunk at your Xmas party..." and I just think, "yes, I BLOODY know!" Grrrr.

Especially with the hormones, it'd be great if people could back off a bit and just be there when you need them like most good friends!!

Another of my friend has been fantastic, she hasn't put ANY pressure on me at all and always says "the best reward of being a best friend is when they come to you for help or advice" and I think that's true. If someone is always offering their 2 cents you don't have the opportunity to go to them! xxx

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