Amy Winehouse

They're going mad over it amongst a lot of my mates as she went to my school, I have fb friends who were in her class. Oddly enough our main music teacher recently passed away too, he's who she would have done most of her session work with whilst at school.
RIP Amy,

I am also of the opinion if you play with fire your going to get burnt, but at the same time I feel for her family and for her as I think drug addiction must be horrendous! I also think she has a massive obsessive personality as soon as she got famous, her first obsssion was her weight, even her looks everything is over the top, its very sad :( xxx
Such a sad loss, waste of an amazing talent.

Its sad that she went off the rails but her record company should have sacked her as soon as she started off all the drugs nonsense, if not for her own sake then for the sake of all those influenced by her.
its bad cos shed been in rehab so obv was getting as much help as ppl cud give her but obv drugs took over xx
I also think it's really sad I was saying to hubby earlier that if it was our daughter we would be devastated as she was also only young 27 I think?! But also the amount of people like 30+ commented on Amy and about 4 on Norway - I think that's the only comment I made I did like allot of the rip comments tho as I think it is a sad loss!
My mate disgusted me and thankfully he had no replies

Amy wants to go to heaven
But god said no no n

My jaw dropped! Way below the belt!! We don't even know also what killed her yet? Might not have even been an overdose - what if she went cold turkey and went into shock! The poor dear xx
Im sorry for her family and friends as it must have been horrible watching everything happen to her and now for this to happen. :(

However, as others have said, to put things into perspective, 90+ teenagers were killed today, where as woman has possibly taken her own life and yet yahoo has more stories on Winehouse than the shootings. It seems sad that something so terrible is being overshadowed by this.
Oh my heart is breaking for all those lives wasted in Norway its so so sad :(

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I think , sometimes its because people feel "attached" to a famous person in a way , they see them in the papers and hear things about them and feel like they sort of know them so when they die they are more likely to react to it than to react to hearing about a tragic incident as it is harder to relate to a number of deaths of people they dont know at all .Even when it is such a large number :( . Maybe that is why people are making a bigger deal about Amy winehouse than of the terrible events in Oslo ? Even so it is very annoying , obviously her family are grieving and having a very difficult time dealing with all the media speculation but there are over nintey families in Oslo going through far worse :(
This is possibly the least vile thread on any forums to do with Amy's death. Yes, what happened in Norway is truly tragic, but why does that mean people can cheapen the loss of another person in comparison?! I bet her parents aren't sitting round saying; 'Oh well, it was only one life. Compared with Norway it's nothing'. Nice to see here that people are so lovely!
Ive read some awful stuff, its really annoyed me :(

She was ill, addiction is an illness, why people think its funny is beyond me
Ive read some awful stuff, its really annoyed me :(

She was ill, addiction is an illness, why people think its funny is beyond me

Totally agree! I think drug addict or not, she didn't deserve to die. We all have choices, and she did choose to take drugs but its not so black and white. When you're messed up and want to escape, and also addicted to something you're more likely to make the wrong choices. I also believe that people need to help themselves and it seems she did try a few times but then if you're not ready that demon comes back..........we'll never know what truely went on in her life and how things were just before she died.

I was pissed off some statuses too! No one truely wants to live their lives like that. As for Norway, its not comparable really. The world is messed up :(
I really liked her and empathised withher i know what a hard thing it is to give up drugs and why you get hooked on them. I was one of the lucky ones that broke from the clutches of drug addiction and i cant help but think there but for the grace of god go i.
I hope that somewhere, someone, even if its just 1 person, uses this as a wakeup call
I've just read some right sick jokes, I don't get what's funny? Yes she was a bit out there, but it's so sad. She, like many, needed help and compassion. Unfortunately you can't help somebody that isn't ready for it.

I like Russell Brand says here:
I used to work with drug addicts and addiction is a horrible illness. I really feel for Amy and her family. RIP.
nice thread, like everyone else has said, refreshing not to read a barrage of abuse at her.

i'm a huge amy winehouse fan and im devestated she has gone. to me, as a fan (not her family of course) the biggest tragedy is the loss of one of the greatest musical talents the world has ever seen, i'm sad we will never hear another original amy winehouse song!

she will go down in history with the greats, i hope she can now escape her demons!! xxxxxxxxxx

p.s. i think the stupid comments on facebook reflect this constant 'im waayyy too cool to be upset by something' attitude, gets on my nerves!! xxx
So the autopsy results say : "there is reasonable cause to suspect that a person has died a violent or unnatural death or in any other way which would require an inquest."
I love what Russell Brand wrote, really lovely.

I don't care what she done, or what she was taking, she paid for her drugs herself, her drink herself, and hurt nobody, and ended up paying with her life in the end. I hope she can rest easy now.

Thoughts also go out to the families in Norway, another sad tragedy, but not worth a "which is more tragic" debate, with both stories, there are families left behind, devastated and broken, hope they all come through this x
I love what Russell Brand wrote, really lovely.

I don't care what she done, or what she was taking, she paid for her drugs herself, her drink herself, and hurt nobody, and ended up paying with her life in the end. I hope she can rest easy now.

Thoughts also go out to the families in Norway, another sad tragedy, but not worth a "which is more tragic" debate, with both stories, there are families left behind, devastated and broken, hope they all come through this x

Totally agree xxx

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I hope today helps her family to grieve and that the media gives them privacy to say goodbye in peace :(

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