Amber Olivia Birkitt Born 20/12/08


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Amber Olivia Birkitt
@ 5.20pm
Weighing 5lb 5oz
length 48cm
HC 32cm

im not sure if this is going to make muck sense but here goes lol

i went into hospital at 4pm on friday 19th december to be induced as amber was not growing well so they decided to induce me 3 weeks early, when i got there i was put on the ctg machine and had bp done ect after that i was left for hours by myself.
finally the doctor came round at about 11pm and said id be started off at 6pm on the saturday as labour ward was full. so i tried to sleep but could'nt sleep all night because the room was so hot and stuffy and i was so hungry.

saturday 20th december: i only had about an hours sleep so went for a walk around the hospital at 5am and to get some food from the machine (ended up with 4 nutrigrain bars lol)
after getting my muchies and wondering around the hospital for nearly an hour i went back to the ward.
At 6:30am i was put on the ctg machine and had my bp done, the m/w then came back at 7am and gave me the first tablet up there and i was left on the moniter for another 30 mins.
after being taking off the machine i went for a walk around after being taken off the moniter i was getting mild contractions.
at 12:30pm the m/w came and examined me i was only 1-2cm dilated but getting quite strong contractions, so they could'nt insert another tablet, i was then told id have to go to labour ward to have my waters broke as amber was still very high up.
At 4pm finally went to labour ward and was on the moniter while i waited for the doctor, the doctor came at 4:50pm and said im only 3cm dilated and babys still high up, but she broke my waters (omg that bloody hurt, i said quite a few swear words) and said they wll check me in 4 hours
after she broke my waters the pains were coming really bad (felt different from any of my other labours) i then demanded G&A, i was in so much pain by then. i then felt like i needed to pust so i told the m/w and she said don't be silly you have only just had your waters broke :roll: , i then got this really bad pain which made me growl like a lion (lol) and i felt something down there, so the m/w came and checked me and saw the babys head half way out, she started painiking as she had nothing ready but she made me panic too i thought something was wrong with baby, i then felt this really strong pain again and out poped baby the m/w just about caught her.
i did'nt hear her scream streight away so started really worrying but then she started crying really loud and i started crying too, i felt mixed emotions of happiness and sadness for the other baby but was so happy i had another lovley little bundle to look after.

so from them breaking my waters to Amber being born took 20 mins, i was so shoked how quick it was and so was the m/w and also i did not have too push at all (don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing lol, i now have the nickname of bucket)

heres a few pics of Amber




Also thankyou to everyone with the advice and support through my pregnancy, think i would have been a nervous wreck if it was not for this forum and all you lovley ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope it all makes sense if not oh well:)
Aww mate im glad shes here safe and sound after the last year! shes beautifl though and love her name!

Not surprised she arrived fast though, cant believe you have 5 babies hun, i aspire to have as many!!!!
(don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing lol, i now have the nickname of bucket)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

She is absolutely gorgeous hun!! Congratulations again!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hun HUGE CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Glad she is here safe and well as I know you were worried :hug: :hug:

She perfect hun :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You be a bucket and proud hun! :hug:

She's beautiful!

Kim x x x x
Wow, she's gorgeous and HOW FAST?!?!

Huge congratulations.

I was about to post that Flod once had that sleepsuit but never wore it and then I remembered I'd sold it to you... :doh:
Congratulations! She's beautiful and looks so tiny and perfect :hug: :hug:

Well done Sarah!
I was thinking about you the other day actually..

massive congratulations! She is gorgeous Sarah xxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Sarah, I was wondering if you'd had her yet, she's beautiful.
Congratulations, she is beautiful and looks like a doll! :hug:
Congratulations Sarah and wow she is so tiny and sweet I am glad everything went well in the end after all you have been through :hug:
:hug: aww hun glad all went well what a lil cutie love lisa x

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