Amber Jane Tonks


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hey all,

I have been thinking about my posting on this bit of the site and not sure what to say really.

Vital stats - Amber arrived eventually at 11:20am on 29th August 2007 weighing in at 7lb 5 oz.

Well to briefly summarised it was not a very nice labour process for me or Amber but 18 hours long we eventually got there and met.

I will post my story but will not put long details.

Here Goes:

I was booked in for an induction on 26th August due to suffering from Gestational Diabetes and my levels rising and baby already on the 97th centile - i didnt really understand this bit apart from that it was big for dates!

26th August -
So i arrived at 11 and was shown to my bed etc was pretty nerve wracking as you all know, knowing your LO wasnt far from being delivered - or so we thought!!!!!

Anyway, had my first lot of prostin gel after after having an initial assessment of a bishops score of 0 so my cervix was no where near wanting to deliver baby ( thinking back i should have seen this that there was trouble ahead lol). After6 hours they examined me again and i now had a bishops score of 4 and dilated about 1 cm so it was like woo hoo we are on our way. So i had another lot of gel and that would stay over night and i would be examined the following morning by a consultant.

Monday 27th -
I had an assessment by consultant to be told there had been no change since last night apart from my cervix being a bit softer so i would need some more prostin gel and left for the rest of the day. If this didn;t work i would be looking at another 24 hours rest or a c-seciton depending on if any progress was made by tomorrow morning. By monday night monitoring i was actually having some pretty strong tightenings and it was looking really promising on the monitor. But during the night i asked for some tablets and since then the pain just disappeared - tut!!!

As you can imagine i was so down at this point i missed being at home and they wouldnt let me go home for the night!!!

Tuesday 28th-
I saw another consultant this morning and after the examination she told me before she did the assessment that if there was no change i would have 24 hours off (which i begged to go home if thatwas the case!) and then the whole prostin process would begin again. I was so confused as the consultant the previous day said it would be a c-section and i was so sore downstairs i had been prodded and poked so many times. After a very emotional night i was so upset and just couldnt relax it was really not what i wanted to hear...she then told me some woman have to have 11 gels, after being told they wouldnt go over 3 gels i felt so deflated.

But hang on girls......after examination i was dilated 2-3 so i could have my waters broken!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!! HOORAY!!!!!!

We then had to wait 7 hours till the labour ward could get me in about 4 5.15 my waters had been broken and oh what a wierd feeling was that. I was so sore for the event i told them i was really tense so they gave me some gas and air and oh my my first experience and it was wierd but really worked she had no trouble. It felt oh so warm lol

SO anyway i thought this is it i am going to be well on my way soon....

By about 6.30 i was getting some pain and just wanted to wee and had an urge to sit on the toilet all the time (i have no idea cos there was nothing coming out!)

To be honest from this point on i really struggle to remember what was going on apart from it was really stressful i felt sorry for my mum and partner who were ther supporting me.

I will cut this bit short becasue its not very nice and i dont want to scare anybody but i deteriorated during the night to the point they were really concerned i had to have an epidural (which took them 5 attempts to do!!) as i was on drips and allsorts and i needed to rest a little and the gas and air although i was coping wasnt sufficient with all the intervention i was having. I was just so out of it and dont really have any recolection of time and what was happening i had had 2 doses of pethadine aswell which knocked me off my rocker....i was trying to drink out of a sick tub thingy!!!

By 7am Wednesday morning i was fully dilated WOO HOO ..

I could try pushing for an hour on myself but if that wouldnt work the consultant basically said he would use a ventuous if that didnt work after 3 pushes then it was a i was prepared for theatre - i was so so scared........

10:40am - taken to theatre and prepped ready for section just in case....

I wont go into details here but by 11:20 Amber was born by ventuous and after being given some air herself we heard her cry longest few seconds of our lives but so relieving.

Then we were both in recovery for an hour.

There yougo, i wish it was more pleasant for everyone but at the end of the day she is perfect and healthy and i am so so so in love with her.

Most rewarding experience and i wouldnt change anything as she is perfect.

Pics can be found at

Love to all,

Amz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Amy, sorry you had such a tough labour, but so glad you finally have your little girl :)

Well done chick, fancy us having our first babies within 5 days of each other!

Will have to meet up when we're both ready!

Well done again, you're a tough cookie, and welcome to the world beautiful baby Amber :cheer:

Michelle x
Congratulations to all the family.

Thankyou for sharing your story and pictures. I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time, but she was well worth it. She is so beautiful. xxx
well done and congrats! She is gorgeous :hug:
absolutly well done!!!

went through a though labour myself so have all the sypathy in the world!

shes absolutly beautiful
welcome to the world amber! and congrats to amzhunny on a gorgeous little girl :hug: :hug:
Many congratulations.......... she is beautiful !!! :dance: :dance:
God Amy that is one full on birth! Fancy her being such a dinky lttle thing after all that! I hope you and Amber are recovering ok and that are enjoying being a family! I will keep you posted via text when the day comes for me! Take care
jac x
:cheer: Congratulations and well done she is gorgeous! :cheer:

Welcome Amber :wave: :hug:
awww congratulations hunni she is gorgeous :hug: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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