AmandaPanda Poorly :-(

sending my love. hope she feels better soon. xxx
Thinking of you hunny! Hope you are better soon and back home - take it easy xxx
Get well soon AmandaPanda - and I love the name Asher, I know an Asher :) lots of get well vibes to youuuuuuu xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope she's feeling better soon! :(
Cellulitis is rotten - makes you feel very flu like and if it's not treated will start to track (spread) and can develop into septicemia x
Ahhh that's rubbish - hope she feels better and is home with the LO soon x
Lex have you heard how she is today? I've text but no reply as yet.....hopefully she's just resting in the hospital!

I wondered why we hadn't heard from her :(
Poor Amandapanda, it's awful feeling poorly with your newborn. I had to be re-admitted for further blood transfusions with Joseph & it really feels as though it unsettles you. But if she needs treatment it's best she gets sorted. Hope she feels much better soon & is back on the forum having a good old chinwag x

Sunnyb xxx
Sorry to hear Amanda's not feeling well, :dust: get well soon dust! Cellulitis is really dangerous so at least it's been noticed though it's shit she's got it when it should be a lovely at home time. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery x

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