am nervous so much that i am upset!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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hiya girls,

well this morning i got up and had sore tum so had bm and thought there was a tinge of brown when i wiped, it was def not from bm (sorry if tmi). i got myself into a right tiz and was getting really upset, and now i am dreading my scan tomorrow morning. i want so much to see all ok, but am feeling sick at thought of something being wrong. i have had no pains or anything and there doesn't seem to be any more cm now but how nerve wracking is this! i didn't realise i would be so so nervous at going thru this again. xx
I'm sure it's nothin to worry about. Good luck for tomorrow x
good luck for tomorrow, I know it must be hard but try not to worry and wait till the scan and im sure things will be fine xxx
if it was brown blood then i wouldnt worry about it hun it means it is old blood and is very very common in early pregnancy and is associated with the 'time of the month' where the body cant disside what to do lol! if it helps i have bled med/hevy for three months with all three pregnancies and med in the forth month of this pregnancy and that was bright red - some women just bleed when they are pregnant hun i would worry or get yourself into a tiz as it is prob nothing - hope this helps relax you a little x

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