Am i too blunt and honest


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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Hello all :D budge here.

Im just wanting to clarify a few things. On this forum there are many questions which crop up regarding pregnancy labour and babies etc. I mean its not surprising is it on a pregnancy forum :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

*coughs* well im just wanting to make sure people aren't too upset with the replies i give.
You see the way i see it is whats the point in lying to you all and making things sound painless when in fact they will not be. Who will thank me if i tell them a labour pain is like a slight pin prick and you get in the birthing room and find out its actually likened to a red hot poker being held against your abdomen for a minute or two. You'd hate me wouldn't you. You'd say ' that bitch budge she lied to me'' :evil:

So anyway i want to know what everyone would prefer. so if you would all like to answer the little poll below and i shall adjust my asnwers accodingly. :D

please be honest. I prefer honesty.
i like a straight to the point, no bullsh*t approach when i have a question - cant b doin with all this 'o u hurt my feelings blah blah' crap so aint no complaints here!!

plus everyone has an opinion - its a thing that comes with bein human!! :lol:
Budge you make me laugh with your comments,i can't imagine anyone getting upset over them,maybe a little frightened :wink: :rotfl: ,don't change hun this place wouldn't be the same :D :hug: xx
aww nikki you are such a sweetheart! Now put that turkey baster down - you're scaring me!

i would truely hate to think i upset anyone with my replies. :(
I prefer the no nonsense approach. Call a spade a spade is my view. Your honesty makes me laugh hun, could never be offended :D
am i too blunt and honest?

YES NOW P*SS OFF..... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

just joking..... :hug:
Im honest with people and i expect to get the same in return. If i didnt want an honest answer i wouldnt ask the question. I dont see why people ask stuff then get pissed when they dont get a nicey nice answer.

So my take on this is dont ever change Budge :D
there is honesty which i prefer... then there are people who use the opertunity to get a dig or insult in... i asked a good friend about a name i liked... a simple yes or no i don't like it would have been good enough! instead she said i sounded like a scally trying to be posh... the insult went on and on... ended up insulting my home, family etc.... ten mins later im standing there shocked... :shock: okay sorry i'd asked!!!!
Can I add 'Budge, I love you and am instantly attracted to see what you've gobbed off about today' :rotfl: You make me laugh mate and I always need a good smile :D
I voted for the Latter, Only because when you open this topic again you will see that someone has voted that and probably have a real good kodak moment going on, steaming at the ears and all..

Then you will have to read all the way down to here to see that im just kidding 8)


Im blunt too..its good, why lie? People dont like it, people shouldnt ask questions cause your going to get answers and sometimes they wont be what you hoped for but thats how we learn in life.

Cas xx
Well I voted sometimes too blunt, didn't want to vote then not follow up with a comment and be cowardly!

I think that in some ways though it's not you, it's the way that it's easy to read things the wrong way over a computer screen. If you know what I mean?

I'm not picking a fight, you asked and I answered. I am too blunt and downright off sometimes, so am not innocent!!
cassi said:
I voted for the Latter, Only because when you open this topic again you will see that someone has voted that and probably have a real good kodak moment going on, steaming at the ears and all..

Then you will have to read all the way down to here to see that im just kidding 8)


Cas xx

I was so tempted to do that too hun :rotfl: xx
Oooh! I hope this didnt start cause of me!!

I laugh at your posts (in a good way!!!)! I agree that you should be straight to the point but at the same time dont scare people. My friend is due in a few weeks and keeps asking me advice - but I would never tell her about labour as everyone is different. My labour was ok, another friends was awful and anothers lasted 25min!

Budge please keep posting!!


P.S. and if it was cause of my joke earlier - I'm sorry!! xx
aww budhe i love your honesty!!!!

these no point in lying

plus you make me laugh! i will only have to speak to you when i get to 40 weeks and i will be in labour :rotfl: :wave:
i have 2 say honstly is definately the best policy esp on a place like this no pont tryin 2 sugarcoat things!!! at the end of the day,its a forum where geniuine(i hope ;)) people are trying 2 get an honest answer!!!
LOL @ nikki and cassi! COWS! :shakehead:
kina thats fine chick! like i said i prefer honesty!

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