Am I too big?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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A lot of people have commented on the size of my bump recently saying 'ooh you're quite big for 27 weeks arent you?' This has made me wonder if maybe I'm having a big baby! I have a couple of friends who are around the same stage as me but their bumps are much smaller.
What do you think of this size for 27 weeks 3 days?

You have a lovely bump hun :hug:

I wouldn't worry you don't overly big mayb you are carryin a lot of water...

About her being a big baby... has your midwife ever said anythin? ....surely if the midwives thought she would be a big baby they would have said somethin by now :?

Is this your first baby? as if its not i know the second bump is usually bigger :)
When my boyfriend gets in from work i'll get him to take a pic of my bump.
I've been getting the opposite comments! Everyone keeps telling me i'm small for my stage!!
I think you've got a lovely pregnant bump :dance:
Hi, thank you for replies :D

This is my first baby and I think I'm probably carrying a lot of water. The sonographer said baby was surrounded by plenty of fluid when I had scan :wink:

I havent been measured by midwife yet but have appointment on Wednesday so will ask if she will measure me then :hug:
Dont really kno about size's but everyone's sayin im big n keep askin if im avin twins or triplets :? i had a scan at 29weeks coz thought my waters had gone and they said baby was about 4lb already :shock:
I would ask your midwife just to make sure :)

I love the name you have picked for her Madison's a lovely name :hug:
nic & keeley said:
I would ask your midwife just to make sure :)

I love the name you have picked for her Madison's a lovely name :hug:

Thankyou :hug:

We chose it as Addison is my Grandads middle name and my Gran is called Martha so used the 'M' :D
Barmi_Brummeh said:
Dont really kno about size's but everyone's sayin im big n keep askin if im avin twins or triplets :? i had a scan at 29weeks coz thought my waters had gone and they said baby was about 4lb already :shock:

Oh My!! :shock:
Snuggle said:
Barmi_Brummeh said:
Dont really kno about size's but everyone's sayin im big n keep askin if im avin twins or triplets :? i had a scan at 29weeks coz thought my waters had gone and they said baby was about 4lb already :shock:

Oh My!! :shock:

I had a scan at 29 weeks and baby was 3lb 9oz. He was 9lb when he was born at 38 weeks so if Id gone to 40 weeks he would've probably been over 10lb :shock:
i dont know how big my baby is :O

but my bumps quote small will take a piccy tomorrow :)
You have a lovely bump and jpin the club im massive too. Y7our bump height is meant to rqual your pregnancy in weeks. so if your 29 weeks you should measure 29cm.

At 31 weeks i measured 35 :oops:
Hey Snuggle,

My MW measured me when I went last thursday, and is measuring me again this week when I go... So we can compare notes if you like.
People keep looking at me and saying "Not long now then" - so I feel pretty big too!
Your bump looks a similar size to mine to be honest, but if we compare measurments we will have a good idea seen as our dates are identical!

Are you going to have a 4D scan?

Piglet xx
Hiya Piglet :wave:

I've got a 4D scan booked for Saturday :cheer: I'm so excited! :D

I have midwife appointment on Wednesday so will get measured and let you know what she says :hug:
OOOH Exciting!!! Lucky you!!

I'm trying to twist OH arm into paying for a 4D scan for us..... :pray:

Really really wanna see my LO.
What do you think of the name Thomas Charlie Potts? I thought his nickname could be T Pott and his initials could be TCP lol.

Piglet xx
That name is lovely Piglet :D Love the nickname :lol:

Our surname is Bugg and LO is getting called Maddison so she is nicknamed Mad Bugger at mo :wink:
4d scana are lovely - i cant stop talking about mine and looking at the pictures!

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