bump size


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Hi everyone, I just wondered if you could give me some advice. I am 27 weeks tomorrow but am a bit worried about the size of my bump
I know that no two pregnancies are the same but last time I was so big and this time I don't seem so big and it worries me a little. Our baby was the right size for his dates when we had our 20 week scan but I don't seem to be growing much. Everyone keeps saying I don't look 27 weeks pregnant which worries me even more.
Please tell me what you think.
Unless your MW said anything i wouldn't worry about random people telling you are small hun. Serisouly some days people tell me i look tiny, then the next i'll be huge.

Im due in a week and people cant belive it they have said all the way through that I look to small, I was much bigger with Luke. But my midwife messures me and said im fine every pregnancy is different so dont worry
Im due in a week and people cant belive it they have said all the way through that I look to small, I was much bigger with Luke. But my midwife messures me and said im fine every pregnancy is different so dont worry
Vicki83 said:
Unless your MW said anything i wouldn't worry about random people telling you are small hun. Serisouly some days people tell me i look tiny, then the next i'll be huge.


People do that with me too. It depends what clothes I where I suppose. When I got in Mum's car today my sister said I didn't look pregnant. I took my coat and jumper off half way through the journey then put my coat back on.

In my Nana's house i took my coat off so I just had a top on and she said "wow she does look fat"..
I was the same, i wasn't even meausuring big enough so the midwife sent me for a scan. The lady there said that the baby was actually bigger than average!
my mw sent me for a scan b cause my bump was tiny but it actually showed that he was big, its wierd how they compact themselves, and hes just fine, try not to worry, ul probably blow up ova nite
Hiya, the same thing happened to me my MW measured the bump and it was tiny didn;t increase in size for 3 weeks so sent me for a growth scan and the lady said to me if she continues to grow the way she is she will be about 8lb when born so the size of the bump is tiny but baby herself is growing fine, Try not to worry xx
I had quite a small bump and everyone was saying it was small. Some people didnt even know I was pregnant even when I was 30 weeks :x I asked the midwife about it because I was worried but she said I was mearuring right.

When he was born he weighed 5lb 12oz but he was 5 weeks early so he would have been quite big if he had been full term :D

Try not to worry :hug:

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