am i right on this? sorry a bit of a ramble


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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I have been checking out child minders for when i go to work at some point was planning to go when Alfie's about 6 months old part time, and in my area there arent many, only 2 ... one hasnt really got the best reputation but the other i had a meeting with yesterday, shes really nice a really lovely lady and she had fantastic reports, showed me her certificates and to be honest i felt really positive about her and had pretty much made my mind up to use her, anyway Alfie fell asleep on my lap and her cat out of nowhere jumped onto his head and scratched him, she was mortified and Alfie was really upset as you would be being woken up scared and scratched. anyway i had a word with Ian last night and i said to him if that can just happen when hes on his own then what about if she has six there which she often does, we both agreed that I would wait longer to go back to work as at least I know I can watch him. I rang this lady up today and told her i was sorry that we wouldnt be using her and then she asked me if she could ask why as I had seemed really positive, when i explained how i felt about the cat incident and that no disrespect against her because I thought she was very nice, she then said that she thought if that was my reason she felt it was very "silly" as i will learn as children get older they will get lots of bumps, bruises and scratches etc and i cant wrap him up in cotton wool, so i told her i understood that and i wasnt trying to, lord i no he'll get bumps bruises etc but if hes with me i no i can watch him, if he gets hurt ill know why, i know that you cant watch your child 24/7 but Ill feel better if hes with me, not going back to work isnt a problem at all im just quite independant and always have been and it was just a way of maybe getting out a couple days a week just me, but thats not saying i dont want to stay at home with Alfie because I love him. I just now feel as if I have been silly and that my reason isnt a proper one, anyways she got a bit snotty and hung up! :shock: do you think iv made the right decision or am i just being silly and overprotective?
I think your dead right and she was way out of order how dare she, :x you could report her to the authorities her cat should be trained not to jump up on babies or small children that is really bad and like you said what if she has six children there she can't watch all of them all the time and keep an eye out for the cat. She should have been apologising til she was blue in the face not telling you you were silly. Personally I think you made the right decision.
You definitely made the right decision hun. She should not have a cat that does that if she is a childminders. :twisted: And to hang up on you, well, that says it all. I think you may have hit a raw nerve with her.

I have also been having the same fears. Charlie will hopefully be going to a nursery where my friend works. It has top marks in everything and DH's 2 nieces both go there. But I dreamt last night that I went for a visit and they showed me the food storeroom, and all it had in it were tins and tins of Quality Street!! :shock: And she said that they only feed the children chocolate and nothing else!! :rotfl:
awww hun bless ya its such a hard decision isnt it so hard letting go just that little bit, its so hard finding someone you trust with your LO
OMG she really called you silly? He is 3 months old, not a teenager ffs. I wouldn't feel bad at all if I were you but report her to Ofsted. My mum is a registered Childminder and I just called her about it.
thanx hun, i thought about doing it but its a bit of a battle i know that i should but like i said there r only 2 and the uva 1 is rubbish ill probably get egg'd if they take her certificate away, by all the mums that use her :rotfl: :rotfl:
Shame you can't get a nanny instead but they are so expensive. A friend of mine Lisa is a nanny, she doesn't live in but the kids adore her. :)
where i live is such a small place i dont think there would be many nannies and i dont think you can get the 70% bk off government can you? id be earning probly less than id be paying her. when hes a bit older he can go to nursery so that'll be better, something like this it sort of takes your trust away
you have very good reason to not send him there any bit of dout dont do it. i douted Dior child minder a bit i never knew what it was but i think it was because she didnt look nice to look at :? sill reason so i choose to egnor it but as time went on Dior cryed more and more every time i left her there and she kept doing things to piss me off.
in the end i told her to do one!
both my 2 are going to a private nursery in may 07 when i go back to my job. its very expensive but so worth it for my piece of mind!
:shock: what a B**ch! (her hun not you! :) )

my brother has two cats and my sister three, now alex is older he like to chase them and gives my brothers a real tug when he gets hold of them (my sisters have learnt to just stay away :lol: ) but despite this they have NEVER jumped on him or lashed out in any way (and i wouldnt blame them if they did when he is tugging on them when he have dragged him off three times already :roll: )

this cat has probably got some attention issues from being ignored when she has all the kids there so he is acting up from jealousy!

cant believe she said it was silly - i would def have told her to stick it after that!

No they don't, it's a shame as I think it's better when it's for really young children to be looked after in their own home.
i agree hun. Dionne theres this girl i go to mother and baby with and this is gonna sound awfull so pls take take it as im a horrible person but shes well odd looking and Alfie h8s her i mean shes really overly nice so i wasnt sure if he was picking up on something as they say children know dont they. everytime he goes nr her he screams even if she looks at him im talking tears rolling down his face the lot! :shock:

thankyou girls i feel loads better now cause i did start thinking well was i being silly and i no im not she has 2 kids of her own how wud she felt tables turned?
You will not believe this. She just rang back. She said shes called to apologies for hanging up as it was rude and unproffessional, but then she said she wasnt going to apologise for her cat as she cant control what it does :shock: and she also said that she asked the mothers of the children shes had today whay THEY thought about it and apparently IM in the wrong for saying it to her as if thats the reason i should of just said "id decided to go another way" iv just completely flipped and screamed at her i said 1st of all i couldnt believe she has called me to tell me this, that she wont take responsibility for her animal attacking my boy unprovoked, to which she laughed and said she wouldnt call it attacked "just a little scratch" and i also said i couldnt believe she discussed it with other parents. im so angry i ended the phone call by thanking her for the call it confirmed wat i thought and tbh i wud never consider paying her to care for my child id pay her to stay the f*ck away from him urgh i am still in shock!
OMG the nerve of that women.

1st of all you can't really have a cat around when caring for a group of young children as you just never know, yes children do get loads of bumps and bruises over the years but this is due to THEIR OWN clumsyness not from animals, and a 3 month old wouldn't normally bash itself so are not used to even small amounts of pain.

Also I would have thought that she would have been more bothered about it, if not for your little ones sake but for her own financial investmant as if her cat scratchs anyones child that she looks after by rights the parents can try and seek compensation from her.

2nd she apoligises for being unprofessionall and then admits to talking about it with other parents which is also unproffesional.

if by any chance she phones again tell her that she chose the wrong profession and as she obviously likes to gossip she should have been a hairdresser :D

xSuzx said:
if by any chance she phones again tell her that she chose the wrong profession and as she obviously likes to gossip she should have been a hairdresser :D


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: dam right
oh dear fingercrossed! I understand how you feel I definately wouldn't leave my baba with her and her doody cat - and that's coming from someone who has two cats! I would be mortified if my cats did that. Fortunately you are in no rush to get back to work so you can wait it out and see what happens when your ready to go back.
by the way give Alfie a kiss and a cuddle from Oats and me - bad kitty!!! :hug:
Daggers said:
by the way give Alfie a kiss and a cuddle from Oats and me - bad kitty!!! :hug:

Thankyou chick, :hug: big cuddle and kiss to Otis too the little cutie bless him, hope your ok too hun all ready for xmas?
ahh cheers hun. Yes other than a final supermarket shop think we're all prepped, can't wait to set up the jumper/bouncer for Otis! Fortunately his next jabs have been booked fort he 28th instead of this Thursday, it would have been horrible to spend Christmas with Otis being under the weather. How about yourself, you all ready? How is Alfie doing after his attack? I presume he's all over it, hopefully it hasn't left him with some fear for cats?!
By the way has Alfie started teething as yet?
yeah he has bless him hes so grumpy with it too. Hes very clingy wont let me do anything. Hows Otis is he started the terrible teething. I am now all ready my last parcel arrived yesterday so now i can relax and get excited. I think he was over it pretty quickly bless him. Im glad Otis has had his jabs moved Alfies arent untill 4th Jan as clinic is closed now untill then. Have you done a montage for Otis yet? Finished mine tonight but its not completely finished got loads to do to it

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