Am i pregnant?


Jan 27, 2012
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right im a little worried i could be pregnant but i don't know if it is all in my head! On saturday me and my boyfriend had sex, although after about 2mins the condom had ripped but we stopped immediatly and that was that, although later on that night we did it without a condom although only lasted about 4mins but stopped way before he needed to cum. I am on the microgynon 30 (birthcontrol) i have never missed one, i take it at the same time every night. It is now friday and i have one week left on it although i have slight lower back ache (not severe) just feels like it needs cracked and it isn't always there! i also have had slight stomach cramps that just feels like trapped wind. is there any chance i could be pregnant because i really dont want to be! thankyou! :shock: ALTHOUGH now i posted this on 27th its now 29th and barley any cramping and no sore back! im still on my pill until friday, then im due my period on the following tuesday but today i had a clear/white sorta thick discharge in a small i pregnant??
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If you are on the pill, take it correctly and your OH didn't ejaculate inside then I would say it is virtually impossible for you to be pregnant.
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yes i am just abit worried because of the back pain & cramping:/ ..

Most likely something else hun!

Wait and see if you get your usual breakthrough bleed in a week!

Best of luck
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i dont see how i could be like because my pills always worked for me! i have been doing 30mins on exercise bike these past 2 weeks maybe bending on that has hurt my back? im only 16 you see!
i dont see how i could be like because my pills always worked for me! i have been doing 30mins on exercise bike these past 2 weeks maybe bending on that has hurt my back? im only 16 you see!

As I say if you are taking your pills correctly it is highly unlikey you are preggers.
If your on the pill that it intself should be enough plus the fact that your bf didn't ejaculate means its is highly unlikely that you will be pregnant.

I think you may be worrying unnecessarily hun.

That could explain the back pain. Cramping also often comes on before a menstrual(as does back cramps). I doubt you're preggers, but like others have said wait to see if you bleed in a week. I wouldn't stress over it though as it's very unlikely you are :)
HI, i used to get odd clumps of discharge around ov stage, so you are probably just oving
hey! well period was due today! and it hasn't came although i have clear stringy discharge??
Give it a couple more days & if still no period, get a test
why is this discharge a sign of early pregnancy? or is it just because im due my perioid?
it can be a sign of pregnancey, but it can also be a sign of ovulating or half a dozen other things

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