am i ovulating today or not


Jan 4, 2010
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hi im all new to ttc this might sound really stupid as i a fdont know the signs on ovulating as ive never ttc before and im not using any ouvlation kits or charting or temping but ive been getting some clear wmc and now for the last few hours some cramping pains in my stomach and back region i had my last af on jan 10 and have been having my af every 26 days ive already got 2 children which i didnt try for and i really want to have another one but im not sure if im ovualting or not any information wud be really helpful we have been :bd: all wk thanks donna
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Well accorging to my sis in law her gp told her that the sure sign that ur ovuating is that ur discharge is clear almost see through! she concieved the month after this advice...

xxhope that helpsxx
hi thanks for that i came off the depo in june and have had my af every month like clock work had a blood test done today to make sure im not pg it came back not so back to the :bd:whe i was on the depo befor emy daughter 10 yrs ago it took me 6/7months to fall and then with my son was the same i was on the depo the first time when i was 16 til iwas 18 then after y daughter for nrly 6 yrs then the the pill which i fell pg on the fell pg the mc then straight after i was pg with my son the was on it the depo util he was 3 and i never had any problems with it after i came off i was back in to my normal cycles and this time i havent had anything yet so fx this time im hoping wont take long
No probs. I fell pg with my son after a few missed micrognon pills and it just seemed so easy to get pg the 1st time compared to this time, I came off the implant 5 months ago and im still trying. my af has been like clock work since i gt it removed then it was week late this month and i thot this is it im pg but it was just late. I have bot ovulation sticks and i am gona hammer it wen im ovulating this month as im determined for my BFP to come thru next month x I NEED BABYDUST haha x
i know how you feel needing :dust: it seems that its never gonna happen for me when everyone around me is either had a new :baby: or they are going to some of my friends have new borns and 6mth olds and also ive got my brothers gf is having twins and my other brothers gf is now 9 wks gone as well but they wasnt even trying to have any more but me ive been trying but no luck but it seems everything is against me this time,
Aw God uve got it bad huni. Luckily no1 i know is having babies or just had 1 otherwise thatd be a rite slap in the face. I know i am feeling the same way why is mother nature nt giving me my :bfp:

I want 4 or 5 kids and i want them all to be no more than a couple of years apart. Didnt realise itd be this hard. starting to wonder wether opting for the implant after last baby was a gd idea or not.

:ttc:month 5.....
I would say that clear stretchy cervical mucus is a sure sign of ovulation. Good luck and lots and lots of :dust: for you :)
i know ive read some horror stories on having the depo so im now wondering if my luck ran out with it being so easy to concive, every time the :witch: arrives i feel so depressed, i just feel so let doon and feel like im letting my dh down as well as im working him every month lol not that he minds but not getting anywhere, but hopefully when i do get my :bfp: he can will be over the moon and he can have a rest lol and he can go for the snip so i dont have to have the dreaded depo
awww know ur pain exactly huni, its so dis-heartening. try stay positive tho. it will happen when we least expect it. gd luck and al the best. xLaurax
Clear egg white like mucus is the key indicator that you are ovulating, good luck xx
i know EXACTLY what u girls are going through, i HATE it when the AF arrives. I've had two children and they were'nt planned... so why is it now i am planning, it's not happening?! a watched kettle never boils i guess.
I was apparantly ovulating weds 21st and fertile a couple days before. We have been trying since 15th jan right through till 21st. I am due on 3rd Feb and so hoping we've conceived. Thing is i get so upset when it hasn't happened x
Exactly :) i just gotta pray that we made a baby, my poor bf was shattered after all this hard work lmao!! x
aw shame but itl be worth it haha. il kp ma fingers crossed for u huni x
I know how you feel, good luck

Fingers crossed for you xx
hi i know how u al feel its so fustrating waiting for them little lines to appear keep imaging that i am but always end in tears im hopefully ovulating today or tomorrow been :bd: since the wkend gonna keep going until at leaast monday so i dont miss the little egg im the same as you midnight rose im due on about the 3rd or 4th of feb but i dont wanna test until the end of feb told my dh not to let me buy ad tests as i get so test happy then it all comes crashing down arond me all i do is pee on the sticks hoping i see 2 lines but never happens when wave it in his face thinking i see that line line thats needed to say a :bfp: but all he says is theres nothing there and donesnt see my disheartment in it

:dust: :dust: :dust: to us all
see im bad i keep loads pg tests in my bathroom so that i have them to hand. prob not a gd idea but i am an addict x
thats all i do baby dust is eveytime we go shopping i get tests after tests costing a fortune
i agree, i was obsessed last month with the tests, i got about 5 tests and used them all in a week, the my af came ontime. I was gutted. I just have this feeling i'm gonna come on this month and i wish i wouldn't. I so want this baby, just like u girls do. Why is it so hard? xx

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